BEDFORD – Flanked by a local business owner who is often tasked with fixing flat tires caused by pesky potholes along Long Ridge Road in Bedford, County Executive George Latimer highlighted some recently approved projects that will help ease the commute of some Westchester residents while also touting the County’s new streamlined capital project process.
Latimer said, “My Administration is focused on finding ways to both reduce the County’s existing backlog of capital projects as well as creating a process to eliminate future backlogs. To County residents, this will mean faster repairs to the roads we all travel every day in addition to real savings of tax dollars. As we all know, routine maintenance costs less in the long run over drastic repairs when disaster strikes.”
This new process improves the County’s capital project system in three ways:
• First, it allows for design and construction costs to be bonded together which will streamline the timeframe and counter any potential backlog from these two phases having separate bond acts;
• Second, this enhanced timeframe means that the project will be out to bid faster which will allow the projects to be ready for this year’s construction season – which is vastly different from the previous process used by the County; and
• Lastly, bidding on design and construction together makes the cost estimate much more realistic, eliminating the need to go back and add additional funds to any miscalculated projects or projects which – due to delay – have gone up in cost.
At the press conference, Latimer was joined by Department of Public Works and Transportation Commissioner Hugh Greechan, Westchester County Legislator, Majority Whip, and Chair of the Board of Legislators Committee on Public Works, MaryJane Shimsky, Construction Industry Council and Building Contractors Association President Ross Pepe and Pound Ridge Town Supervisor Kevin Hanson.
Greechan said, “One of the most important jobs our department is tasked with is making sure that the roads that the County maintains are kept in the best condition possible for hardworking Westchester taxpayers. Thanks to the new capital project process instituted by the Latimer Administration, we will be able get this job done faster.”
Shimsky said, “Westchester County has a large backlog of roads needing repair. My educated guess is that we are probably somewhere between 6 and 8 years behind on repaving projects. That is why I am so glad that the Latimer Administration is developing ways to move through the backlog more expeditiously.”
Westchester County Legislator Kitley Covill, who represents the legislative district which contains Long Ridge Road, said: “While fixing roads may not be as thrilling as some government projects, if you drive on a broken road every day you realize how important a well maintained roadway is. Today we can celebrate a long overdue road project for Long Ridge Road, a well-traveled important tertiary road for many residents of District two. Bring on the Asphalt!”
Pepe said, “We are very happy to see Westchester County move forward with important infrastructure improvements that replace or improve local roads and bridges damaged by age, use and seasonal stress. This work will enhance communities, create jobs and strengthen Westchester’s economy. Congratulations are due to County Executive George Latimer, his public works staff and County Legislators for addressing this vital need.”