Amateur Radio Club Field Day to be Held

NEWBURGH – The Orange County Amateur Radio Club (OCARC) will be operating at Algonquin Park, Newburgh (Rt. 52 at Powder Mill Road) on June 22-23, Saturday and Sunday, as the club participates with thousands of hams across 50 states and Canada, in the annual “Field Day.”

The public is invited to visit the “camp-out” operation, view the various antennas and stationsoperating on solar, generator and battery emergency power, using voice (radiotelephone), Morse Code and digital modes, to log as many contacts as possible during the 24-hour contest period. It’s a friendly competition that runs Saturday 2:00 pm, around the clock until Sunday 2:00 pm. Any visitor can try talking on ham radio—make your own Field Day contact–at the “GOTA” station (Get-On-The-Air). Pick up information on amateur radio instruction, licensing, and becoming a ham yourself. No age limitation!

Official license exams will be given at the Field Day site, 10:00 am on Saturday. More info: www.ocarcny.orgor call 845-391-3620.