POUGHKEEPSIE – The City of Poughkeepsie has contracted with an urban forest management company to conduct a citywide inventory of street trees in the public right-of-way. The inventory and subsequent management plan will be used as a tool by the City when planning tree removals and maintenance, as well as identifying locations for future tree planting. The company, ArborPro, will use IRS Certified Arborists to begin work on the project this week, with expected project completion in October 2019.
“Strategic maintenance of our urban forest will have numerous benefits for the city,” said Planning Director Natalie Quinn. “Not only do street trees provide obvious environmental services such as shade, improved air quality, and reduced stormwater runoff, they’ve also been shown to have significant impacts in making a community more walkable and bikeable through the beautification of streets and lowering average driving speeds, making roadways safer and more enjoyable for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike.”
The project is fully funded through a $50,000 grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program. The last citywide tree inventory was completed in 2006. Updating the city’s inventory and pairing it with a strategic management plan will open the city up to future funding opportunities through DEC for tree planting and maintenance grants.
“We greatly look forward to seeing the results of this inventory,” said Mayor Rob Rolison. “Not only are there significant environmental benefits to maintaining a healthy tree population, the beautification of our streets is important to the community.”