NEWBURGH – A beautiful Hudson Valley day provided the backdrop for hundreds of students moving into Mount Saint Mary College on Sunday, August 25.
Returning students, more than 100 transfers, and nearly 400 first-year students ascended to the Mount from as close as the City of Newburgh, and as far away as Scottsdale, Ariz.; Jupiter, Fla.; and Columbia, S.C.
Mount president Dr. Jason N. Adsit spent the morning helping students move into their residence halls. Dr. Adsit enjoyed rolling up his sleeves and embracing the Mount’s culture of service, he said.
“Move-in Day is going great,” Dr. Adsit explained. “This is always a day of possibility. These families are happy, they’re excited, and we have beautiful weather. Our students can’t wait to get started on their college journey.”
First-year student Bryanna Blanks of Yonkers, N.Y., a Criminology major, said the choice to come to the Mount was easy. “I felt at home here the minute I came,” she revealed. Blanks added that the Mount’s culture of service goes hand in hand with her career goals: “I love working with children and I love helping people.”

Blanks’s roommate, Nursing major Dainell Palmer of Bristol, Conn., chose the college for its small class sizes and tightknit, family atmosphere.
“I love the whole community – everyone’s focused on the success of the students,” she explained. “It’s beautiful here and the Nursing program is really good.”
Mount Nursing students enjoy state-of-the-art simulation labs and clinical relationships with more than 40 area hospitals. The Mount’s passionate faculty are dedicated to the success of both their undergraduate and graduate students.
Also beginning their college careers together on Sunday were roommates Emily Moore of Montgomery, N.Y. and Lauren Kennedy of Bethpage, N.Y. Both selected the Mount for its prestigious Education program, with Kennedy opting into the college’s 5-year bachelor’s to master’s program.
“I’m really excited,” said Moore. “The Mount’s got a great Education program.”
In addition to Nursing and Education, many Mount first-year students are majoring in Business. These programs include Accounting, Business Management and Administration, Finance, Marketing, and Sports Management.
Jocelyn Childs of Kingston, N.Y., a Business Administration major, is ready to get the most out of her Mount education. Even while moving into Sakac Hall, her mind was on academic excellence.
“I want to really grow academically and as a person,” she said. “I want to get as much out of this experiance as I possibly can.”
After the students were settled in their residence halls, they attended a Mass and blessing by Fr. Gregoire Fluet, chaplain and director of Campus Ministry. Later that evening, the Mount celebrated its newest students at the 60th Annual Academic Convocation.