Terry Hockler, Write-in Candidate for Beacon Mayor

I would like to address the significant challenges facing this city. Large-scale development should be slowed until we find a solution. Beacon’s current development has been challenging our infrastructure, water supply, and emergency services. We need to become less reliant on property tax as our only source of revenue. As mayor, I would secure a larger portion of sales tax from the county. We need to create a more innovative tax structure, which should include a tax installment plan to alleviate pressure on homeowners. The opening of Legoland and the expansion of Stewart International Airport will greatly increase traffic pollution, on our already congested roads. The city will have to work closely with the MSTA and our state and county governments to address this. As Mayor, I would expand our municipal housing. Workforce Housing can be discriminatory. Affordable housing should be based on a person’s income, not their occupation.We need improved services for our seniors. We should not sell off city or school property. We must protect our parks and open spaces. Finally, I believe the citizens of Beacon should have a more active say in government and the decisions that affect their lives.

More Information about Terry and her campaign is available at: terryhocklerformayorofbeacon.com. The site will include information about Terry, a calendar of upcoming events, a way to contact the campaign, voter resources, as well as Terry’s position on many of the important issues affecting the City of Beacon.