I offer a prayer for all child advocates in this very challenging time for children and families and all of us when a half century of struggle for a more inclusive and just nation is at risk. Racial, religious and gender intolerance are mushrooming out of control and all who care about children and the future must fight back with all our might. No matter the political climate we need to remain steadfast in our stewardship of future generations and our determination to shield children from harm.
Hang in there, all of you who love children. Never give up.
You Can’t Segregate God’s Creation
God’s family is big and inclusive and everybody belongs.
God is not a Catholic, Methodist, or Baptist – Southern, National, American, or Progressive.
God is not a Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Evangelical, Pentacostal, Mormon, Greek or Russian Orthodox.
God is not a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Baha’i.
God is all these and far, far more.
God is not republican or democrat, socialist or communist, liberal or conservative, or radical or moderate.
God is all these and far, far more.
God is not Black, Brown, Red, White, or Yellow but all these and all the blends in between.
God is not rich, middle-class, or poor; straight or gay; young, old, or middle-aged.
God is all these and far, far more.
God is not pretty, ugly, skinny, fat, short, tall, able-bodied or disabled.
God is all these and so much more.
God is no respecter of certain persons but the Creator of all persons made in God’s image with their own DNA.
God is not only in the sunshine or in the moonlight or in the seas or in the mountains or in the deserts or in the rain.
God is in all these things and in so much more.
Thank You, God, for Your presence and gifts everywhere in everyone in everything in life.
Marian Wright Edelman is Founder and President Emerita of the Children’s Defense Fund