Toastmasters Win Public Speaking Contests

NEW PALTZ – Members from Montgomery-based Henry Hudson Toastmasters brought home prizes from the organization’s Area 11 Contest on Saturday, February 22, 2020 at SUNY New Paltz. John Lewis took first place in the International speeches portionwith his speech project “Norman,” and Constance DeGroatplaced second in the evaluation portion. International speeches are on any topic a contestant chooses. Evaluation contestants present a verbal critique of a speech presented by another member.

Toastmasters clubs from Orange, Ulster and Dutchess counties sent speakers to the event and the winners will advance to the District 53 Contest on Saturday March 7 at the Howland Library in Beacon.

Since 1924 Toastmasters clubs across the world have given members a place to practice public speaking and develop leadership skills. Speech contests are a Toastmasters tradition. Each year thousands of members worldwide compete in divisions for humor, evaluation, tall tales, Table Topics and International. Competition begins with club contests and winners continue competing through the area, division and district levels. Learn more at Henry Hudson Toastmasters at