Lowey Announces More Than $8.2M in Fed. Grants

WHITE PLAINS – Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY17/Rockland-Westchester) has announced $4,978,089 in federal funding to Westchester County, $2,349,471 for Rockland County, and $881,811 for the City of White Plains from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s CDBG, HOME, and ESG programs.

“The cost of living, especially housing, continues to place strain on our residents, including seniors, the disabled, low-income families with children, and veterans. This federal funding will provide the Lower Hudson Valley with targeted investments responsive to community needs, including rehabilitating housing, increasing the supply of decent, affordable housing, improving infrastructure such as parks and playgrounds, and expanding economic opportunities,” said Congresswoman Lowey. “I am thrilled this federal investment will directly benefit and support municipal and community organizations’ efforts to help those in need.”

Through the CDGB program, Westchester County will receive $3,709,730 in fiscal year 2020, an increase of $164,839 from fiscal year 2019. ESG will receive $311,203 for fiscal year 2020. Westchester County also secured a significant increase of $76,591 in HOME grants, receiving $957,156 for fiscal year 2020.

“I would like to thank Congresswoman Nita Lowey for her assistance in re-establishing the Westchester Urban County Consortium, and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program in Westchester,” said Westchester County Executive George Latimer. “I know I can speak on behalf of all of our local municipalities when I say the millions of dollars in funding from the CDBG, HOME and ESG programs are a tremendous step toward securing the necessary federal resources to meet the community development, housing and infrastructure needs of our communities. This is another example of how working cooperatively at all levels of government, we can provide real benefits to our residents and save money for local taxpayers.”

Like Westchester County, Rockland County also will receive increases in community planning and development assistance from the prior year. CDBG grants went up from $976,595 to $1,636,378. Federal funding through HOME for fiscal year 2020 is $713,093, an increase of $74,455 from fiscal year 2019.

“Rockland County is committed to working with every level of government to develop viable, affordable and sustainable communities,” said Rockland County Executive Ed Day. “We thank Representative Lowey for working to secure these much needed Federal dollars and know that this year’s funding will go a long way towards helping those with low and moderate incomes secure housing.”

The City of White Plains, which because of its size is not part of the Westchester County consortium, will receive $881,811 in CDBG money.

“Thank you to Representative Lowey for once again working to secure these funds for the City of White Plains,” said White Plains Mayor Tom Roach. “These are vital federal resources that are invested right back into our neighborhoods and community. Over the years, this funding has enabled the city to improve parks, help residents make needed repairs to their homes, and provide critical services to vulnerable populations.”

CDBG grants are provided annually to states and local governments to facilitate the development of viable urban communities through suitable housing and living environments and economic opportunities for those with low or moderate incomes.

The HOME program helps to expand the supply of decent, affordable housing to low- and very low-income families by providing grants to States and local governments to fund housing programs that meet local needs and priorities.

ESP supports State, local, and private entities to assist people in quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. It also supports increasing the number of quality emergency homeless shelters.

As Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, Congresswoman Lowey secured $3.4 billion for CDBG in Fiscal Year 2020, an increase of $100 million from the prior year.