Access to Mount Beacon is Now Prohibited

BEACON -To protect the health of potential visitors and residents of the City of Beacon, Scenic Hudson has temporarily closed its Mount Beacon Park. Effective immediately, all access is prohibited.

Barriers will be installed to prevent access to the parking lot on Howland Avenue.

Scenic Hudson and Beacon officials request visitors NOT enter the park on foot or by parking on Route 9D, which would place a significant burden on local police and residents, and create potentially dangerous situations for pedestrians.

Scenic Hudson is taking this step because the park’s size and narrowness of its trail make it impossible for the large influx of people interested in using the park to follow the six-foot social distancing guidelines established by the CDC to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

As of now, all other Scenic Hudson parks—including Long Dock Park and Madam Brett Park in Beacon—remain open. Scenic Hudson urges all visitors to its parks to read this statement about safety protocols they are strongly encouraged to take before and/or during a visit. This statement will be updated regularly.