Support for Dawn Fucheck

Dear Editor,

My name is Juliana LoBiondo, I reside in the Town of Newburgh and have lived here for 22 years. I am also a lawyer, business owner, and volunteer as director of the not for profit organization, America Rows and Swims Newburgh. I am writing this letter to express my support for Dawn Fucheck, who is running for the NECSD School Board. I have known Dawn for many years, she is a friend and an active supporter of children, education, innovation, and our teachers.

For those of you who do not known Dawn, she previously served on the Newburgh School Board for 9 years, from 2005 to 2014. She was the president of the Board for 4 years and Vice president for 2 years. She has lived in the District for 3 decades, has had 4 children graduate from the NECSD and now has grandchildren in the District. When I asked Dawn why she would want to be on the Board again, she told me that she is concerned about what education will look like when the students return to school after the Pandemic. Dawn wants to be part of a collaborative team helping to put in place innovative education policies that will support the best possible education for our students and will also support our teachers.

Our District, like many others, has been challenged because of the significant loss of revenue from New York State. As parents and taxpayers, we the voters need to have Dawn on the school board to protect students and programs from cuts in public funding. Dawn is very fiscally responsible and will be mindful of the limits we taxpayers face.

Now more than ever, it is important that we return Dawn Fucheck to the Newburgh School Board.

Thank you,
Juliana LoBiondo