Public Enemy Returns With a New Single

Public Enemy are back with a new song and video, “State of the Union (STFU),” a fiery return to the frontlines as they take on Donald Trump and his fascist regime. PE is giving away the track to fans for free at starting today. It will also be available to stream on all major DSPs worldwide. “State of the Union (STFU)” was produced by DJ Premier.

An unflinching statement about the destruction the current administration has unleashed on the country and its people, “State of the Union (STFU)” speaks truth to power while urging people to fight against racism, injustice and oppression with their vote.

It’s the latest in a string of powerful messages about Trump from PE frontman, Chuck D, who has addressed Trump’s policies and rhetoric for the past several years through his work with Prophets of Rage and as a solo artist. “Our collective voices keep getting louder.

The rest of the planet is on our side. But it’s not enough to talk about change. You have to show up and demand change,” says Chuck D. “Folks gotta vote like their lives depend on it, ‘cause it does.” “Public Enemy tells it like it is,” added Flavor Flav. “It’s time for him to GO.”