WARWICK – Last weekend, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) hosted his first-ever drive-in “Speak with Sean” town hall at the Warwick Drive-In Movie Theater. This event allowed constituents to connect with the Congressman and get help from his office during the pandemic, while staying safe and socially distanced from the comfort of their vehicle.
“We’re living in a new normal – that means we need new ideas. I’ve got to keep coming up with safe ways to connect directly with New Yorkers,” said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney.
“Today’s first-ever drive-in town hall was a real good start. Thanks to everyone who came out, asked questions, and gave it a shot.”
Rep. Maloney has hosted over 170 town halls since he was elected to Congress – including many Telephone Town Halls and Facebook Live events with local doctors and community leaders throughout the pandemic. This was his first in-person town hall since the pandemic began.
Rep. Maloney’s office has a team of constituent advocates who have helped hundreds of New Yorkers cut through government red tape and get the assistance they need during the coronavirus pandemic. Constituents can learn more by calling Rep. Maloney’s Newburgh office: 845-561-1259, or by visiting Rep. Maloney’s website: seanmaloney.house.gov.