Selecting the Right Woman for the V.P.

By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint

The Vice Presidency cannot be the result of a popularity contest. It cannot be based on personal press coverage, speeches, campaign rhetoric and who we like. This person must be prepared to become President of the United States, if necessary. Donald Trump has shown us what the lack of experience or preparation for that office can do to this nation. California’s favorite daughters (Kamala Harris and Karen Bass) are young enough to run another day.

As we move into the final days for Vice President Biden to select a running mate for the Vice Presidency, it is a foregone conclusion that this must be a person of color and a woman in particular. Why a woman? And why a Black woman? Well, consider it was the Black vote of South Carolina following the endorsement of a Black Congressman that put Biden in the race. It was the Black vote in 2017 that elected Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate over Roy Moore with more than a 92 percent turnout, and it was the Black Female vote throughout the South that was strong in places like Florida and Georgia.

The political and social issues of this present time clearly drove an unprecedented number of women of all colors to run for the Presidency this year. The resurgence against racism and inequality kick started by continued police brutality and murder have made color an issue and put Black women at the forefront of the politics of the Presidency. Hence, the Black female vote has become essential. The issue then is the selection of the right woman for the position.

President Biden and his Vice President will have to hit the ground running in January 2021. In addition to the Pandemic, there will be domestic and international issues requiring immediate attention. We believe that Biden’s years of experience on the Hill and eight years as Vice President will make a difference in addressing these issues. And, we believe that an experienced Vice President like Susan Rice, with her knowledge of International Relations as a Rhodes Scholar, her experience as United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2009 to 2013, and as the 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017 makes her more than qualified to handle the international stage and its players, including Putin. She doesn’t have to learn the G7. She knows China and North Korea. But most of all, she has worked with the Vice President and they know each other.

These qualifications do not take away from the abilities of all the other potential candidates for the No. 2 job. But one thing is certain. It is still possible for Donald Trump to win a second term without the Black vote and without a Black woman in that No. 2 slot. There are many Blacks that will not vote, despite the concerns about Donald Trump. We believe that Susan Rice is capable of assuming the Office of the Presidency, if necessary, and she is not seeking the office. There will certainly be a number of key cabinet positions and no one is more prepared to fill them than Joe Biden.

At the end of the day, this is our opinion. We welcome yours.