Time to “Get Your Knees Off of Our Necks”

WOW! By now our necks should have been broken. In fact, truthfully by now our hearts should no longer be beating due to the constant pain that our hearts have continuously been experiencing due to the color of our skin. WOW! Why do you hate us so badly? Is it due to the color of our skin? Why should our skin color cause such hatred to leak from your hearts towards us? I find it to be quite strange that you can love our music, love our cooking, love our bodies sexually, but you cannot love our humanity. WOW!

During slavery your forefathers loved our mother’s bodies but did not love their humanity. Did not love the babies that were brought forth from their wombs due to your raping of those wombs. What kind of people could be so violently evil? Where was then and where is now your humanity? What kind of people could be so inhumane? Truthfully, I am very confused because so many of you profess to be believers in God, but I find myself asking myself how is that possible? How can that be because our Heavenly Father left us a commandment to love one another. Where is the love?

Truthfully, I find myself being very confused right about now because of what I see unfolding before my very eyes. Racism is still running rampant throughout our land and hatred is the driving force of that hatred. Why? Why? Why? Please help me to understand why you hate us so badly? What is the reason that since our forefather’s feet first stood on this land of America we have been so violently hated? Why? Why? Why? I most definitely would like to here the answer to this most significant and important question. Our forefathers did not want to come here. They were stolen and brought here. Why? Why? Why? Why could not your people have built this country? Why did you need my people to be used to do that? What stopped your ancestors’ hands from being used to do all of the works that you brought our forefathers here to do?

Why have you murdered most of our leaders that were crying out for justice for us? You even murdered some of your very own because of their humanity being displayed towards us. What kind of people are you? Truthfully, I am growing very tired of even trying to find out the answer to those questions. How much pain must we as a people have to endure? How much longer are we, as a people, going to have to endure this madness? As I sat last night watching the television, listening to President Trump giving his acceptance speech my heart started to ache. Why? Because of seeing some of my very own African American people sitting there, listening and applauding President Trump as he espoused such words that were most definitely aimed at African Americans throughout this country. To watch the people applauding him as he was bringing forth his words of denigration towards those that had been protesting throughout this country, brought tears to my eyes.

We better realize the significance and importance of our becoming involved in this upcoming presidential election, for if not we will only have ourselves to blame. We are being faced with four more years of this madness and if we do not organize to resist this we will only have ourselves to blame for what will be forthcoming. Rise up, get involved, because if not you will only have yourselves to blame for what will be forthcoming towards us in the next forthcoming years. The police will have a license to keep on murdering us.

They will have permission to keep their knees on our necks. You think it’s bad now, but you will not believe the evil which will be forthcoming if President Trump wins in this upcoming presidential election. If we think that things are bad now, we have not seen nothing yet. More knees will be on our necks. More of us will be murdered while walking or driving while being “BLACK!” If you are not registered to vote, please do so immediately. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to not participate in this upcoming presidential election for if we do we will only have ourselves to blame for what will be forthcoming towards or against us. Presidential candidate Biden may not be all that we would like for him to be, but he is most definitely much more than what we now have as our president. We need to vote as our very lives most definitely will be affected by it. If we think that things are bad for us now, we haven’t seen nothing yet.

Get registered! Get registered! Get registered! If not, do not complain about the forthcoming inhumane treatment that we will be faced with throughout the forthcoming years. Most definitely knees will most definitely continuously be on our necks. Hopefully, “ALL” of those that are participating in the event going on today in Washington, DC will go back home and get others registered to vote. Also, I am so excited about what is going on with our professional basketball players and also others in the sports arena. They are standing up for justice for our people. Hopefully, our people will wake up and get involved in the political process to make sure that if there is no “JUSTICE” there most definitely can be no “PEACE!” Without our voting, we are showing the powers that be that we are satisfied with their feet being upon our necks. Accolades to the “GET YOUR KNEE OFF OUR NECKS MARCH” which is taking place as I’m writing my column today. 57 years ago Dr. King led a “March on Washington” and now we’re still marching for justice. How long, how long are we going to have to still be marching? How Long??? How long is going to take for our Black lives to really matter??? How long is it going to take for your knees to be taken off of our necks???

This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say! Now you most definitely can have yours!