MIDDLETOWN – Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County’s 4-H Youth Development Program will be hosting a Dog Show on Saturday, October 3rd at the Education Center & 4-H Park located at 300 Finchville Turnpike in Otisville, NY.
Typically, Dog Shows hosted by Orange County 4-H are held along with other Animal Shows during CCE Orange County’s own Fair however due to limitations and restrictions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, this event will NOT be open to the public for viewing this year.
The Dog Show will be taking place in person at the Education Center & 4-H Park in compliance and according to all NY safety guidelines regarding COVID-19 regulations.
Social distancing and masks are required for all participants at the Education Center & 4-H Park. Registration for the Dog Show is required and will be limited to the first twenty youth between the ages of 9 to 21.
“Our Orange County 4-H Dog Program itself was a pilot for our youth to be together again at our park. Our volunteers, parents, and 4-H members executed every step of the way perfectly. With that being said, we as a staff saw it only fitting for them to have the most “normal” dog show experience this year. With sacrifice comes great reward and our Orange County 4-H Dog Program is a shining star of what the outcome can look like when everyone follows the necessary precautions” said Margaret Smith, Animal Science Program Manager at Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County.
The classes that will be held during the Dog Show will include Rally, Trick Dog Title, Jumps, Tunnels and Weave Polls and Costume Class. There will also be a dog skill-a-thon and fun games for youth to participate in between events.
Each youth should be accompanied by ONLY ONE adult who will be registered with them. A copy of the dog’s Rabies Certificate MUST be brought with them on the day of the Dog Show and it is important to note that there are breed restrictions and no aggressive dogs will be allowed to participate. Please remember to bring water and food for your dog during the show which will only be consumed in a restricted area at the Education Center & 4-H Park.
All youth and adults who register for the Dog Show will need to arrive at the Education Center & 4-H Park at 8:30 AM on Saturday, October 3rd. The registration deadline is Monday, September 28th or until all twenty spots are filled. You can register online through the following link: https://pub.cce.cornell.edu/event_registration/main/events_landing.cfm?event=Dog_Show_Registration_233
For questions or assistance with registration you can call Carol at 845-344-1234 extension 243 or email Margaret Smith at mms426@cornell.edu.
Cornell Cooperative Extension and its partnerships provide programs for Orange County residents on youth and family development; nutrition, health, and food safety; community and economic vitality; and agricultural sustainability through Cornell based research. Committed to Orange County, we design programs to meet local needs to enable people to improve their lives and communities. For more information call Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County at 845-344-1234 or visit our website at www.cceorangecounty.org.