WOW! Another African American female’s life has been snatched from her body by a bullet shot from another policeman’s gun. WOW! That’s not strange, for news reports that in the past year police have killed 1,010 people. How long are we, as Americans, especially African Americans, going to have to endure this madness? How long? How long? Truthfully, I do not believe that this will ever change. In fact, in my heart I do believe that it’s going to get worse.
Why? Because, due to the mindset of the occupants of most of those sitting in the seats of governments throughout the land, “BLACK LIVES” really don’t matter and they “NEVER” ever have.
History, throughout the years, since this country was founded, shows evidence that “BLACK LIVES” never really ever mattered except to fill their prisons so that slave labor could continue. WOW!
Anyway, let me get back to the major factor of this week’s column and that is the snatching away of another “BLACK” life via the bullets shot from policemen’s guns. The real tragedy of this is that once again the message is being sent out very “LOUDLY” and “CLEARLY” that “BLACK” lives really do not matter in the country that was built on the backs of our forefathers. Especially our African mothers who nursed the white babies, cooked the food for the white families, washed their clothes, and cleaned their houses. WOW! The “BLACK” woman throughout the years, since her feet touched the earth of America, has had to endure much suffering and pain. Being raped by the white man, watching her husband and her children being abused and killed by her white master, sold by her white master, and her being continuously raped by him was a pain that she carried deep down in her soul.
How has she even been able to keep her sanity? How has she been able to survive this madness? How? How? How? Breonna is a perfect example of the madness that the African American female has had to endure throughout the years of her life in my country tis of thee, sweet land of no Liberty, of thee I scream. Throughout the years, since we were snatched from our country, we have had to endure much pain and madness. The real irony of Breonna’s ending story is that the man who had the destiny of her final ending in his hands, just happens to be an African American man. WOW! The Kentucky Attorney General is Daniel Cameron and Breonna’s attorneys, family and many others are very concerned re: the way that he has handled her case. Therefore, there is much anger stirring not only locally, but throughout the nation re: this situation. Calls are mounting from many activists, and politicians for more information on how a grand jury decided not to charge any of the police officers in the killing of Breonna. Anger throughout this country is rising up and demands for this information to be released are rising throughout this country. To this I must say that this is not very surprising for throughout the years we as a people have been sold out by many of our very own. Many of our own have used our votes to enable them to get in positions of power but that power was only used to uplift themselves and not their people. We have “ALWAYS” had many sell outs and that’s the major reason why things “NEVER” change that much for us “BLACK” folks. We must begin to become “VERY” careful re: who we elect to represent us for if not business will remain as usual.
Throughout the years, we in the city of Newburgh, have chosen people to represent us on our city council, hoping that things would get better for us, but who did things get better for? Only them! We presently have three African Americans and two Latinos on our city council, which makes them the “MAJORITY” on the city of Newburgh’s council. What’s up???
Anyway, it’s time for “US” to “WAKE UP!”
WOW! How in the world did I go from writing about Breonna Taylor to speaking about Newburgh. I guess that it’s because of the behavior of the police because we have this same problem here in Newburgh and the city council are the ones that could begin to “SERIOUSLY” address this problem. Anyway, hopefully Breonna’s life being snatched away from her by the police can bring about justice throughout the land, as it pertains to the way that “BLACK LIVES” are treated by police throughout this country. Breonna! Breonna! Breonna! Breonna! Say Her Name! Say Her Name! Say Her Name! Say Her Name! Say Her Name! Say Her Name!
This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say! Now you can have yours! Peace!