“Do They Or Do They Not? Lord Have Mercy!”

As I was sitting watching tv early this morning I could not believe the words that I saw flashing across the television screen, “President Trump Tests Positive For Covid Virus!” It also was stated that the “First Lady” has also tested positive. WOW! I found my mind going back to the most recent presidential debate between President Trump and Vice President Biden earlier in the week and those thoughts have caused me to very “Seriously” wonder if this “COVID Virus” diagnoses is just a ploy to make us forget President Trump’s behavior on that evening? WOW! Truthfully, I would rather it be that, than this most recent information. Yes, I was very disappointed with President Trump on that evening, but in no way would I ever wish this most present diagnosis upon him, nor his wife, for this is a most vicious virus that I would not wish upon anyone. LORD have mercy!

I must say that this most recent press release is very mind shattering, right about now, for it makes us realize just how “serious” things for us in this country are. WOW! Where are we heading? Like the question that song writer Marvin Gaye asked, “What’s Going On?” To that I ask, “What’s ‘Really’ Going On?” “What’s ‘Truthfully’ Going On?” Lord have mercy!

I am 80 years old and truthfully, I have “Never” seen such madness as this going on within our government. The things that went on with President Nixon and President Clinton, to me in no way compares with any of this present situation. WOW! This past presidential debate started the wheels turning within my mind as to “What’s going to happen next?” Now here it is! The “Ripple” affect of this most recent situation is going to very possibly “Seriously” affect our upcoming presidential election. Why? Because it will affect any upcoming presidential debates. As of this date there are only about 33 days left before the upcoming presidential election. More than likely, because of President Trump’s most recent “COVID Virus” diagnosis, a “Sympanthy” vote will be forthcoming from a lot of people. Memories of “All’ of the “Negative” behavior that poured forth from our president throughout the past years will be forgotten or forgiven. To this I must say, “He Who Forgets The Past Is More Than Likely Doomed To See It Repeated Again And Again!” Wow!

Because of this most recent “COVID Virus” diagnosis that President Trump and the First Lady have received, all memories of the past Presidential Debate, more than likely, will be forgotten. WOW! Truthfully, by many, the ills of the past four years will be forgotten. Could that be the “Major” reason why we see what is going on, going on? Just asking! Will there be any more “Presidential Debates” forthcoming? Will the behavior displayed by our President in that debate be forgotten? I don’t know, do you? We “All” better fasten our seat belts because I do believe that what we are going to see and hear, in these forthcoming days, are going to be very mind blowing. “All” of the negatives that were displayed during that debate by President Trump will be “Totally” by many, forgotten. What can I say? Please do not think that my words are pouring out from a heart filled with hatred. They are flowing forth from an 80 year old heart that has grown very weary and tired of “All” of the racism and hatred that has been coming forth throughout the years towards and against “African Americans” since our forefather’s feet first touched this wretched land.

How long? How long? How long? Please do not think that these words are flowing forth from a heart that is filled with hatred, for it most definitely is not. It’s pouring forth from a heart that is filled with much love, but it’s “Tough Love!” It’s pouring forth from a “Cry Loud And Spare Not” Love! How long? How long? How long? How long are we, as a people, going to have to endure this “Racist” mentality? How long are some of my own “Black” folks going to continue to “Sell” us out for their own personal gain? How long? How long? How long? I find “All” of this to be quite surprising in a land that “professes to be “largely” a “Christian” land. Where is the “Love?” Where Is the “Love?” Please “Wake Up!” ‘Wake Up!” Wake Up?”

My prayers are going out to “All” including President and Mrs. Trump. Let us “All” try to remember that we “All” should be striving towards truly making our “country tis of thee” a land that has truly “Liberty and Justice” for “All!” Yes! Yes! Yes! Peace! My last words to our President and First Lady are “Do You Or Do You Not “Really” Have The Covid Virus?” If so, my prayers are with you, if not “LORD HAVE MERCY!”

This is “ Lillie’s Point Of a View” and I am most definitely having my say.