Wow! The things that are going on during this 2020 Presidential election are very mind-blowing. News reports state that “White Supremacist” are wreaking havoc throughout our country and President Trump is being very silent about it. Truthfully, I do believe that he is their “Silent” partner. I do find myself wondering why is this happening now, but wasn’t happening during President Obama’s two past elections? Another news story “A Plot to Kidnap the Governor of Michigan” is also very mind-blowing. Hate groups hear President Trump’s negative words as “Rallying” cries in support of their actions. Could the medication that President Trump is on due to his Corona Virus illness be affecting his behavior or is this the way that he “Really” is?
Wow! What will be forthcoming if President Trump does not win in this upcoming presidential election? What else will be forthcoming from hate groups, such as these, if an African American woman becomes Vice President of the United States? The mystery to “All” of this is that we did not see this type of madness going on when President Obama, who just happens to be a “Black” man, was running for president. Why not? Could it possibly be because the two that he ran against in those two elections, (Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain) were not of the mindset that President Trump is? Give some real “Serious” thought to that! What’s “Really” going on? Give some very real “Serious” thought to “All” of this madness. Could “All” of this madness be going on due to the fact that there is an “African American” female running for Vice President in this upcoming Presidential election? Could it be that due to the age of presidential candidate Biden the fear is that this “African American” female could possibly, eventually wind up becoming the “President” of these “United States Of America?” Can you believe that news reports state that President Trump has called her a monster and a Communist. Wow! Wow! Wow!
Truthfully, why should the possibility of that be so frightening to anyone? This country was originally nursed from the breast of the African American female. Throughout the years she birthed the bodies that this nation was built upon. So why is there such a fear because of the possibility that she could finally arrive in her “Rightful” position? Why? Why? Why? Could it possibly be because she would “Rightfully” strive to make this nation “Truly” flow with “Liberty and Justice” for “All?” That she would strive towards dealing “Seriously” with this country’s “Criminal Justice” system making sure that it is handled in a just and fair way for “All” citizens? Just asking!
Last night I watched and very “Seriously” listened to the “Vice President” debate and was very pleased with the way that candidate Kamala Harris, the first African American female ever selected to be Vice President by any major political party, presented herself. She is most definitely a “Very” qualified candidate that could possibly, eventually wind up becoming the “First” African American female president of the United States of America. This is what is “Really” being feared by so many. But Why? Why? Why?
Will “Racism” ever be ended throughout this country? If not, why not? In a country that professes to be “largely” Christian how is this possible? Christ commanded us to love one another, which is not a request, but a command. I find it to be quite strange that very many of those very same Christians are more concerned about the baby in the mother’s stomach, but once that baby becomes a human being that very same concern falls away. The concern for a decent and safe quality of life for that child, especially if it is a child of color, is not there. “Lord Have Mercy!”
What we see unfolding before our very eyes on the various news reports on television should stir up deep concern within “All” of us, especially people of color. Why? Because the real true heart of very many in this country are going to be exposed, the closer it gets to Election Day. The news that is being discussed on the television is mind blowing. Some of President Trump’s supporters are trying to spark “Civil War!” “Feds Thwart Plot To Kidnap Governor, Spark “Civil War!” Wow! The closer that it gets to the 2020 “Presidential Election Day” we had “All” better be very mindful and aware of what will “Really” be going on.
President Trump is saying that the only way that he can lose will be due to fraud. Headlines such as “Experts Rid DOJ For Changing Rules To Allow ‘Fraud’ Probes Near Election!”- “Dhs:2019 Deadliest Year For Domestic Extremism Since Oklahoma City Bombing?” Wow! Wow! Wow!
What’s “Really” going on? What’s “Really” happening? Let me share with you what’s “Always” been happening in this country as it pertains to us African Americans. We, as an African people, have been envied for many, many, years. Why? Let me share with you some of the reasons: 1)Black people are the Original people of the planet. DNA evidence proves that all humans today came from a group of Blacks who traveled and settled the globe more than 50,000 years ago. All of the elements of civilization first began in Africa, including religion, art, science, government, mining, writing, music, mathematics, architecture, engineering, and agriculture. Before Greece, Rome or Europe was ever established, there were multiple Black civilizations throughout the world, already thousands of years old. WOW! This is the major reason for our being so hated and despised. Envy and jealousy! For now I will end this, but much more will be forthcoming.
“Community Bulletin”- In speaking with the president of the local NAACP, Ray Harvey, he told me that the local NAACP branch is sponsoring “Vote For Justice Drive” which they will be giving free rides to the polls starting on October 26th – November 3rd. For more information, or if you will need a ride to the polls, call Mr. Harvey at 845-527-0862.
This is “Lillie’s Point Of View!” I’m just having my say and now you can have yours! Peace!