“What Does The Future Hold For Us “Black Folks?”

When this column hits the streets the “2020 Presidential Election” will be finished because the last date to vote was Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Hopefully, VP Biden and Senator Harris were the winners. If not, many of our very own will have been the contributors to their loss.

Why? African Americans were urged to not vote for VP Biden due to his past, which consisted of his stance re: the desegregation of our country’s school systems and also his tough stance re: the mass incarceration of mainly our African American males due to drugs. WOW! Truthfully, right about now, I find myself in a very strange state of mind, due to the fact that I now can most definitely identify with many of our young African American men for feeling the way that they are feeling re: this 2020 presidential election. To that I must ask “what other alternative was there for us ‘Black’ folks?” We most definitely could not, in any way, vote for the man that has wreaked havoc upon us for the past four years.

Therefore, I voted for VP Biden, but I must say that it was somewhat painful for me to do so, except for excitement in voting for vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Truthfully, in my spirit, I do believe that she is the “Major” reason why so many “White” folks are voting for President Trump. But why? Many of those same people voted for President Obama, or did they? One will never know, will we?

Truthfully, at first I was puzzled as to how it was possible for the white evangelicals to be supporting President Trump, but upon reading “To The White Church”, taken from “The Original African Heritage Study Bible”, I finally understood how that was possible. Much of the violence we are reaping in our cities today was sown during the era when the Blacks were enslaved. To understand racism and its effect upon our society, therefore, we must step back into the days when slavery was an American way of life. Let us also note that racism is to modern times what slavery was to our forefathers; racism is the spirit behind slavery.

When a people were subjugated, not only did they lose their national and cultural identities but, also, all they had amassed and attained was stripped from them in our cities today as well. The family unit itself was frequently disintegrated; preteens and teenagers were often separated from parents and then auctioned while their grieving parents watched. Wives were abducted from their husbands and frequently subjected to sexual abuse from their white masters. In general, the black male was reduced to a position in American society just slightly more respected than livestock. The enslaved soul travelled a torturous road. All the landmarks in the individual’s soul were shattered, devastated beyond our present faculties to understand, and broken beyond human abilities to repair. Having been robbed of their freedom, most slaves finally accepted their fate; and as they did, oppression and death soaked into their spirits.

Although slavery was legally abolished in the eighteen hundreds, racism continued. Its wound remain today in the soul of many Blacks, propelling a growing percentage of young black men toward violence. These men neither understand their actions nor can they find a way out from the shroud of death which broods over their neighborhoods.

The fact is, much of the violence in our cities today is the bitter fruit of a tree the white race cultivated in the soil of racism and slavery. In America today one in four black males over twenty-one is in some form of incarceration. And the highest cause of death among black men under twenty-five is homicide. It is only by the grace of God, who became the strength of the black man early in his struggle, that the remaining majority found creative and productive ways to apply their lives.

The indignation in the soul of the black man can be traced to the unresolved conflict between their wounds and the ancestral sins of the whites who caused them. After studying what was done to the Blacks, it is amazing that anyone should be puzzled by the deterioration of society in the black community. They were humiliated, separated from their homeland and families, treated as property, often subjected to great cruelty and violence, and still we ponder: How did the black districts come to such a decline? It came through the hands of the white race. But together, through Jesus’ shed blood, both Blacks and Whites, as well as all races, are being called to reconciliation in the body of Christ, a first fruits of the healing of all nations.

Whites were rarely vocal about condemning slavery outright, and even groups like the Quakers originally supported slavery. Yet whites were very vocal-from the beginning- in opposing freedom, integration, and equal rights. The voice of Haile Selassie said, “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

Racism and the Judgement of God is something that many of those that are professing to be Christians are going to be held accountable for. Racism releases the curse of death indiscriminately from one race upon another. The Lord said that it is the spirit of death which is destroying our cities, and it has for its entry point the stronghold of racism and cultural contempt in the people. Our cities are under the judgement of God. We should also understand that God’s judgement is not always in the form of hailstones and earthquakes. Often, He simply allows us to experience the consequences of the sins we have committed. What we are experiencing in our cities is our will being done, and we are presently reaping Hell. God told us in His Word that we should “Love” one another! “Where is the love?” This “COVID Virus” is this world reaping the results of man’s inhumanity to man.

Last, but most definitely not least, how in the world is much of God’s church supporting President Trump? Hopefully, God will be merciful towards us and not allow the stupidity of His church to enable President Trump to have four more years. If not, we “All” had better fasten our seat belts for what will be forthcoming in America? The “Real” question is “What is the future for us Black folks here in America?” Lord have mercy!”

Let me leave you with the words of Haile Selassie: “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” To that let me ask “Did you vote? If not, “What is the future for us Black folks here in America?” Give some “Real” serious thought to that question!” Peace!

This is “Lillie’s Point of View” and I’m just having my say, now you can have yours! PEACE!