New Rules Issued For Visiting New York State

ALBANY – Effective on Wednesday, November 4, there are new rules for people visiting the State of New York.

Within three days of arriving in the state, a person must have tested positive and have proof of the test that they are negative for the coronavirus. Once they arrive in New York, they must quarantine for three days then take a test on the fourth day. If that test says they are negative, they are released from quarantine.

If the test says they are positive, they must remain in quarantine.

If a person chooses not to get tested, they must remain in quarantine for 14 days.

The caveat, said Governor Cuomo, who announced the new rules on Saturday, is that they apply to all but states contiguous to New York-New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.
The governor also announced that on Friday, positivity in the micro-cluster zone of red, orange and yellow, including in Rockland and Orange counties, was three percent. The seven-day average in those micro-clusters was 3.1 The overall state positivity rate without the micro-cuter oversample is 1.3.