Looking for Community-Minded Volunteers

POUGHKEEPSIE – City of Poughkeepsie Mayor announced the City is looking for residents to serve on a number of land use review boards: Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Waterfront Advisory Committee, Historic District and Landmark Preservation Commission, and Shade Tree Committee. Candidates must be a current and full-time resident of the City of Poughkeepsie. All positions are unpaid, volunteer positions that allow residents to have a direct impact on projects and development within the City. If you have been looking for a way to get involved, here’s your chance!

Planning Board
The Planning Board meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. and is responsible for reviewing a variety of development-related applications, including: site plans, subdivisions, special permits, signs, façades, Planning Department referrals for zoning changes, and Common Council referrals for advisory opinions. Encouraged skill sets include planning, architecture, construction, land use law, environmental engineering, business operation, community organizing, and above all, passion for your community and attention to detail. Members of the Board are expected to commit up to 10 hours per month over a term of 3 years, plus an additional 4 hours of training each year.

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. and is a quasi-judicial board responsible for making zoning interpretations, recommending zoning changes to the Common Council, approving changes of legal nonconforming uses, and for ruling on area and use variance requests. Members of the Board are expected to commit approximately 6 hours per month over a term of 3 years, plus an additional 4 hours of training each year.

Waterfront Advisory Committee
The Waterfront Advisory Committee (WAC) was created in 1986 and has served in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, Common Council, Planning Board, and other City officials for all activities and/or developments within the delineated boundaries of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Zone. The Committee is also responsible for assisting with updating and carrying out the City’s Local Waterfront Redevelopment Program. The WAC meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.

Historic District & Landmark Preservation Commission
The HDLPC is a group of city residents appointed by the Mayor who are charged with reviewing all plans for the moving, exterior construction, alteration or repair, landscaping or demolition or any change in the exterior appearance of places, sites, structures or buildings designated landmarks or landmark sites and all places, sites, structures or buildings wholly or partly within the boundaries of a historic district. The Commission also considers applications for designation of historic landmarks and/or districts and makes recommendations regarding those applications to the Common Council. The HDLPC meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.

Shade Tree Commission
The Shade Tree Commission (STC) was formed in 1978 in order to study the problems and needs of the city in connection with its tree planting program and to make recommendations to the Planning Board, City Administrator, and Mayor as to type and kind of trees to be planted in the City. Other functions include the dissemination of news and information regarding the protection, maintenance, removal and planting of trees in the City.

Candidates should submit a resume and letter of interest stating why they would like to serve on the board or committee of their choice to the City Chamberlain by December 18, 2020 DFLYNN@cityofpoughkeepsie.com. Candidates may identify multiple boards that they are interested in serving on.