God has granted unto us another year! What are we going to do in, with and throughout it?
Are we going to choose to strive towards making life in this city better for “All?” Are we going to strive towards bringing peace into our community? Are we going to choose to stop being hypocritical? Are we going to choose to “cry loud, and spare not” revealing the hypocrisy throughout and within our community? Is 2021 going to really be a “New Year” or will the same old games of divide and conquer continue to be played? The city of Newburgh has “Always” been a “ Cash Cow” for some and a “Broken” dream for so many others. Broken dreams brings about “Serious” depression and “Serious” depression brings about destruction and violence. So many wonder why the city of Newburgh, throughout the years, has had so much violence going on within it? “Really?” Why would there be such a question asked? Do you not realize that “Violence begets violence?” Many will ask, “what do I mean when I make such a statement?”
I was born and raised in the city of Newburgh 80 years ago and the only time that I’ve been away from it was the three years that I was in show business which was 1957, 1958 and 1959. The city of Newburgh has “Always” been a “Cash Cow” for some. The poverty was “Always” used to show the need for the monies to be sent into this city, but once the monies arrived the poverty was “Never” eradicated. The ills that poverty brought and still brings about were “Never” seriously eradicated. Why not? Because then less money would be sent in. Wow! Throughout the years the city of Newburgh’s minority community has “Always” been used as a reason for monies to be sent into Newburgh, but the majority of that minority “Never” seriously benefitted from those monies, therefore that’s why there has been a lot of crime in this city for “Poverty” breeds crime. Year, after year, after year, there has “Always” been the “Blaming” of those victims of poverty for the condition that this city has been in.
Poverty breeds depression and depression can breed violence. Depression is a silent killer for it kills esteem, it kills motivation, and it kills dreams and this all kills hope. The city of Newburgh has been a “hopeless” city for very many of our youth and that is why there is so much violence going on amongst so many of our youth. Depression is a silent killer amongst the youth within our community. It kills esteem, it kills motivation, and it kills dreams. But it is only able to destroy these things because it kills hope. That is why there is so much violence amongst our youth in this city because so many of them have lost hope. The city of Newburgh has “Never” truly and “Seriously” addressed this most “Serious” problem and that is why there is so much “Violence” amongst so many of our youth. Our city’s “Violence” coming forth from many of our youth will “Never” be eradicated until the city gets “Serious” about addressing the causative problem of that violence, which is poverty. Poverty breeds violence!
For now I will not go any further with this discussion, but in the very near future I will continue to do so. A new year will be unfolding whereby I will be “Seriously” addressing this problem for a very important city of Newburgh election will be coming forth in 2021. Quite a few seats will be up in this election therefore this ‘Must” be a top priority because the direction that this city will be moving in will most directly affect the “African Americans” within this city. Please give some “Real” serious thoughts to this. “Happy New Year!”
This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say! Now you can have yours!