NEW CITY – The 12th Annual Walk to Remember will take place April 11 – 18. This year organizers have chosen to stay virtual out of an abundance of caution.
You can join them and Walk Where You Are in memory or in honor of your loved one(s).
Create your own team or join an existing team and start raising funds!
The most successful team will be eligible for a $2,500 match for United Hospice and be awarded the Sorce Family Cup!
Numerous Swag items will be available including:
*A branded double layer, washable face mask with lanyard (so you will never misplace it! 😉
*A customizable Walk Bib to decorate in memory/honor of your loved one(s)!
The best Walk Bib will receive a prize- so be as creative as you can!
Register at
For more information Contact: 845-634-4974 ext. 106