Hyde Park Clean Energy Vision Begins to Take Shape

HYDE PARK – As part of Historic Hyde Park’s long term clean energy vision, the Town has executed agreements to participate with the Kingston firm Solar Generation in development of the Saugerties, NY community solar array.. For a reduction in power costs, the Town is participating in this state-wide NY Public Service Commission-sanctioned program designed to incentivize solar electricity producers to invest in Community Solar generation facilities.

“This is a great deal. While we reduce our power bill by up to 10%, at the same time, at no cost to the Town, Hyde Park is helping to expand the availability of clean renewable energy to State Energy users,” says Town Supervisor Aileen Rohr.

The Town receives on its regular monthly electric bill a monetary credit. That credit relates to the quantity of power generated by the farm solar array and the annual average amount of power the Town uses. The Town keeps 10% of that credit while 90% of the credit is paid to Solar Generation as consideration for its investment.

The NYSERDA Community Solar program is designed to increase availability of 100% clean renewable power to the States electric grid. This permits the supply of solar power to energy users who cannot or do not wish to install their own panels.

NY Department of Public Service and NYSERDA recognize multiple registered firms offering this Community Solar service.

The Town of Hyde Park is mounting a promotional program to encourage citizens to save money by participating in the NYSERDA Community Solar Program. Contact the Hyde Park Climate Smart Communities program for more information 917.359.5616 or Csctaskforce@hydeparkny.us