By Jennifer L. Warren
POUGHKEEPSIE – The Pandemic took away immeasurable things from people; however, it was unable to steal a recognition ceremony, honoring Cody Gibbs’ official Eagle Scout achievement.
Flashback to November, 2019, before the world was turned upside down from COVID-19: On this day, Town of Poughkeepsie resident, and then Arlington High School sophomore Gibbs, attained the revered honor of Eagle Scout status. After attaining an assortment of badges, demonstrating various abilities, Gibbs pitched his Eagle Scout project- two dugouts with inside benches at Riverview Park in New Hamburgh, to members of the Boy Scout Council. Having had just recently wrapped up his junior year, Gibbs recalls that phase as the most memorable in the process.
“I had to present to adults and get their approval,” said Gibbs. “So although the whole project was in my head, it was amazing to actually see it come to life.”
That lofty venture evolved into a 30 member volunteer crew, who assisted Gibbs over the two days: one group was for building and the other painting, totaling approximately 9 hours of work. Once the dugouts were completed, Gibbs earned what has been a lifetime dream: Eagle Scout rank.
“It’s the highest and hardest rank to achieve, the ultimate goal,” explained Gibbs, who has two older brothers, Devin and Brandan, also long-time scout members as well as another younger brother, Chad. “I really wanted to follow in my brother Brandan’s footsteps, an Eagle Scout as well.”
In fact, the scout family blood runs still deeper: mother was a scout leader while Gibbs’ two older brothers were involved. Gibbs himself started his scout journey at age five as a cub scout from first through fifth grade. He then progressed to Boy Scout rank at the end of fifth grade, a place he will remain until he is 18 years old. For Gibbs, who plays for his school’s basketball team, being a member of the Boy Scouts means much more than accumulating badges and ranks.
“It means brotherhood,” affirms the proud 17 year old. Since I was young, the people in the scouts have stuck with me, and we have made great bonds; I have met many new people along the way, gone on fun trips and made many lasting memories.”
Perhaps one of those most indelible memories was the formal celebration for his Eagle Scout achievement that he was able to finally have in May of this year. Although the acknowledgement came about 18 months after his project was completed, and he became an Eagle Scout, it in no way diminished the elusive honor as well as remarkable journey, especially in the wake of the Pandemic.
“The resilience of my Troop to keep on meeting regularly on-line during the Pandemic really helped in many ways, especially allowing the younger scouts to still advance” said Gibbs. “At the end, moving the Eagle Scout Ceremony did not change the overall positive impact of the achievements; I still had friends and family there, and it was still very special.”
What will remain special is Gibbs’ commitment to his troop as well as the Boy Scouts organization. With a focus on researching colleges in the coming year, Gibbs plans to reframe, while still prioritizing his Boy Scout involvement.
“My troop has younger scouts coming up. So my main focus will be on mentoring them,” said Gibbs. “I want to help them achieve Eagle Scout status as well.”