Drug Task Force Launches Interactive Resource

LIBERTY – “Hope is only a click away…”

That’s the mantra and the goal of the new Intervention and Prevention Services Dashboard just launched by the Sullivan County Drug Task Force, available at https://sullivanny.us/Departments/HealthandFamilyServices/Dashboard.

“We are very much about delivering hope and help to anyone affected by substance use disorders,” acknowledged Sullivan County Deputy Commissioner of Health & Family Services Wendy Brown, who co-chairs the Task Force with District Attorney Meagan Galligan. “This dashboard – so named because of the different kinds of information it provides – is a way to literally illustrate that fact.”

“Through real-time connections to the State and service providers, we can show – in one glance – what’s available locally for people seeking treatment for substance use disorder, public transportation options, medical care, peer/community support, even food and shelter,” noted Galligan. “Not only can you see how many day treatment slots and residential beds are open, we’ll give you an estimate of how long it will take to secure treatment.”

“This interactive resource guide is a godsend to our community,” affirmed District 2 Legislator Nadia Rajsz, herself a health professional and chair of the Legislature’s Health & Family Services Committee. “It can show you all the local options for the help you seek AND how to get there. I thank the Task Force and our GIS Coordinator Jennifer Stone for making this incredible dashboard a reality available to everyone.”

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) operates under the Division of Information Technology Services.

The Intervention and Prevention Services Dashboard is best viewed in full-screen desktop or mobile mode.

For help with substance use concerns, call 1-866-832-5575 or text #HOPENY.