Juneteenth to Be “National Independence Day”

On Thursday, President Biden signed a bill into law declaring June 19th (Juneteenth) as a “National” holiday commemorating the end of “Slavery” in America. He said, “great nations don’t ignore their most painful moments. The country needs to reckon it’s history, even, when that history is painful. He also said, “Great nations don’t walk away. We come to terms with the mistakes we made. And remembering those moments we tend to grow!” To that statement I ask, “how much has this country truly grown as it pertains to the treatment of us “Black” folks?

Right about now at the age of 81, I find myself with very mixed emotions re: this great moment. Why? Thinking about the many lives that were maimed and killed throughout the years due to the monstrosity of “Racism” and it’s still going on, especially by our police departments throughout the United States. What kind of laws could be signed into existence to begin to seriously address that? Truthfully, only “Serious” heart transplants could bring about an answer to this most “horrific” problem.

As I think about the upcoming celebration of “Juneteenth” being held on tomorrow, I wonder if it will be a “genuine” celebration or only a partial one, due to the many ills that are still in existence throughout our country, as it pertains to us “Black” folks. To that some may say, “why is she being so pessimistic?” My answer to that question would be “bills and laws” have continuously been passed but only heart transplants can “Seriously” bring into existence the intentions of those laws.

Only “genuine” heart transplants can bring about the changes throughout this country which are so desperately needed. Bills may be passed, but only true heart transplants would enable the intent of those laws to be “Seriously” implemented. Laws written on paper must also be written inside of the hearts of those that have the power to implement those laws. Wow! Does this mean that racial inequities will still continue to go on and on and on? In my heart I do believe that to be so because the very ones that have the power to implement those changes must first have “Serious” intentions of doing so.

In a nation that supposedly declares to be largely a “Christian” nation, where is the “Love” that was supposed to be forthcoming from those that are professing to be “Christians?” Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Is it just a “Sunday” kind of love? Wow! These are some of the scriptures that should be stirring inside of the hearts of those that are professing to be Christians: Re: “Love”- Ephesians 5:2-“Father, grant that I will learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who lives in me.”

Re: “Justice” -Psalm 11:7 & Micah 6:8-“God, help me to love justice as You do and act justly in all I do.” Re: “Integrity” -Psalm 25:21-“Lord, may integrity and uprightness protect me because my hope is in you.” Re: “Mercy” -James 5:11- “Oh Father, grant that I would be full of mercy and compassion as you are, Lord.” Those are just some of the scriptures, if “Seriously” embraced, could possibly help this nation to truly be one nation under God, hopefully bringing about the type of nation that is truly being under the direction of God, truly bringing about “Liberty & Justice” for “All!”

Let us “Never” forget that these laws are written on paper, not upon the hearts. Heart transplants are needed to bring about the changes that are so desperately needed in order for their to be genuine “Liberty” and true “Justice” for “All” throughout the land. Each year on this “Juneteenth” holiday there will be celebrations going on, but after those celebrations business will continue on as usual. So truthfully, how has making “Juneteenth” a “Federal” holiday really changed anything for us as a people? Yes, it’s nice for us as a people to be able to celebrate on this one day, but what about after the celebration is over? What then? What will have “Seriously” changed?

We still will feel very uncomfortable driving down the highway and all at once a police car starts following us. The thought of what will be the outcome of that will “Always” be lingering on our minds. How can that fear be changed? How can that memory of what happened to George Floyd be erased from our minds? The celebrating of “Juneteenth” will not erase those memories from our minds. Truthfully, the “Juneteenth” celebration is only for one day out of the year. What about the rest of those days? What will have changed for us as “Black” citizens living throughout this country?

What about the fact that throughout this country many “Black” Americans are still living in substandard housing? Are still experiencing many of the same things that our forefathers experienced throughout their lives living in America? What’s New? How will this country be treating us differently due to the creation of this “Juneteenth” holiday? What else will change for us African Americans due to the creation of this holiday? The very fact that the “Real” treatment of our forefathers is not included in any of the history books throughout the schools of this country gives us the “Real” intentions of this country. Why is that “Real” history not taught nor revealed to the youth throughout this country within their school districts? The answers to these questions will reveal the “true” content within the hearts of those that were and still are able to make sure that “African American” history is taught within the school systems throughout this country.

“Never” forget that he who “Forgets” the past is most definitely deemed to see it repeated over and over and over again. Especially, if those horrid things of the past are not “Seriously” addressed, nor taught throughout our school systems. How can the youth of our country, throughout the nations, know what needs to be changed in our country, if they never were exposed to any of the “monstrosities” that were done to the people that their forefathers brought here to build this country? Give some “Real” serious thought to this most “Significant” and “Important” question.

Hopefully, the “Juneteenth” celebration on our waterfront was very successful and next year’s celebration will be something to most definitely be looking forward to.

This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say! Now you can have yours!