NEWBURGH – Summer Reading is back at the Newburgh Free Library! The national theme for Summer Reading this year is Tails & Tales and they have activities and programs for readers of any age that are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
Summer Reading begins on July 6th but the fun begins with a visit from Falconry Excursions Thursday, July 1st from 2:30-4 p.m. in the Newburgh Free Library Plaza! In this presentation patrons of all ages are invited to come see trained birds of prey up-close, and learn about their adaptations and skills.
Summer reading registration for adults and youth has begun. The Adult Librarians have put together a “Get Out and Explore Challenge” to encourage adults to read more adventurously, attend library programs, and support local businesses and tourism. Each summer goal a participant completes earns them a greater chance to win a prize! Adults can sign up to participate in the “Get Out and Explore Challenge” at the Main Library or Town Branch, or online. Among offerings for adults this summer is a Summer Book Talk at Barking Goose Bookstore on Thursday, July 8th at 2 p.m., chair yoga at the Town Branch at 11 a.m. Friday, July 9th, and Friday, July 23rd, and an outdoor Tai Chi class in the Newburgh Free Library Plaza on Thursday, July 22 at 6:30 p.m. Check out their new calendar ( for specific dates and program times, or email to sign up for their bimonthly newsletter.
Registration for the “Tails and Tales” reading program for youth of all ages—from Birth to Teens—has also begun. Kids, teens and, for youngest ones, their parents can sign up online for READSquared to track summer reading, write reviews, and complete reading challenges to earn badges and unlock games. In-person and virtual programs are being offered for youth during July and August to fill your summer with fun! Hudson Highlands Nature Museum will offer Knee High Naturalists, a weekly program that will meet outside the library Wednesdays this summer (except July 14), exploring animals and the natural world around us. Chess for Kids, Storytimes, Kids Yoga, Page Turner Adventures, and Teen Battle of the Book are all part of the variety of programs planned. Hudson Valley Reptile and Rescue will visit the Library Plaza on Monday, August 2 at 6:30 p.m. with a hands on presentation including both snakes and lizards. Visit the library’s website or for more information.
Register for programs in person, by phone (845) 563-3618 or at