Is Community Policing Being Done Efficiently?

Why are the “State Police” continuously in the city of Newburgh? Are not our local police able to handle things in our city? Many of our citizens, especially our minority citizens, feel very uneasy about this. If not, why are they not able to do so? What’s “Really” going on and why is it “Really” going on? What types of “Community” policing are being done in our city? What types of programs are there going on to make the citizens of this city more comfortable with our police department?

Taking into consideration the past history re: the relationship between the minority community and the city of Newburgh’s police department there should be much more attention being given to this matter.

Back in 2013 the “Matrix Consulting Group” began the project to conduct an organizational effectiveness and efficiency study of the Newburgh Police Department. How many of our elected officials have “Seriously” studied that report? How many of the recommendations in that report were actually activated by our police department? These are questions which needs “Serious” answers to.

There was a “Final Report” on an Assessment of the Culture, Community Relations, Use of Force, Training and Disciplinary Practices of the police department done in this study and to that I ask this question: “How many of our elected officials have ‘seriously’ looked at this report?”

In this report some of the top issues expressed by members of the community related to crime and police department interaction with the community where: Both groups expressed that the level of crime in Newburgh is higher than in other communities but they plan to stay in the community and want to make it a better place. They see the Police Department as a critical component of making Newburgh a better place to live.

The concerns related to visible crime and quality of life issues on Broadway, in the main downtown area near City Hall, was to provide a better business environment in this core area to attract businesses and improve existing business that will result in more people shopping, eating and spending time in downtown.

Participants also express that they believe most of the officers in NPD generally do a good job and are at NPD for the “right reasons” – to serve the public; at that some officers have great attitudes and provide very good service. However, they also expressed a belief that “some” officers are at NPD just for the paycheck and don’t really have a “significant” concern to improve Newburgh, which may result in “unprofessional” attitudes. Overall, participants believe that most police/community relationship issues would be solved if officers would treat other people the way that they want to be treated. To that I say “Amen!”

They also expressed a concern that they do not have a depth of knowledge and would like to know more about the issues related to and problems handled by the police department. As a way to provide this information, participants suggested that the City and/or the NPD be more proactive in providing information to the community. Development of an e-mail news letter that would regularly be sent to interested residents and business owners was suggested. This list could be used for incident based events such as series of burglaries in a neighborhood or other types of crimes. A Neighborhood Watch type program was also suggested as a method to bring the community closer together with the NPD. Participants realized that NPD cannot do everything but see the NPD as a primary catalyst to coordinate things that will improve Newburgh.

The group’s did not develop a long list of items but rather focused on these themes as the priority issues for the Police Department to address as the best way to “improve” the relationship between the Police Department and the community.

My question to our city council members is this: “How many of you have “seriously” read and digested this Matrix Consulting Groups final report” which was submitted to the city on August 1, 2013?

Being that the city paid lots of money to have this “Assessment Of The Culture, Community Relations, Use Of Force, Training, Disciplinary Practices Of The Police Department” done how many of you have “seriously” studied this report?

Truthfully, being that in 2013 this study was done, I feel that by now “all” of you should be concerned about what is inside of this study. Taxpayers money was spent to have this done therefore it is your responsibility to know if the things listed in this study have been implemented by our police department. If not, why not? That is the major question that needs an answer to.

This is “Lillie’s Point Of View” and I’m just having my say, and now you can have yours!!!!