Do We Realize What’s “Really” Going On, Do We?

Sometimes the “Haves” have a tendency to look down upon the “Have Nots,” not realizing that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. It “All” could be changed or lost in one split second, therefore one should be very “Careful” how they look down upon or treat the poor and disadvantaged. One should “Always” say or think, as they look upon the poor and downtrodden, “There Go I Except For The Grace Of God!” Scripture tells us that the poor will always be in our midst, but we should “Always” be concerned about them. That concern should be “Genuine,” not make believe. Usually, one can tell if they are being treated with genuine concern, or are just simply being tolerated. Truthfully, one should “Always” be saying to themselves as they are in the midst of the poor and downtrodden, “there go I except for the mercy and grace of God.” Scripture tells us that the poor will always be in our midst but we are supposed to be concerned about them and not look upon them as being the “Wretched” of the earth. For some reason I do not know why this is weighing so heavy upon my spirit on this morning, but it is. I guess it’s because of all of the “Madness” that we’re seeing unfolding before our eyes and its escalating more and more. Where is this world heading? To me it looks like it’s heading towards “Self-Destruction!” Are we?

Truthfully, since this country was founded, we’ve “Always” had the poor in the midst of it. Mostly, because of greed and man’s inhumanity towards their fellowman, poverty was and still is so able to exist. Many were reading their Bibles, but still were treating their fellowman in such a very inhumane way. How was that possible? I could say that it was possible because they were looking upon many of their fellowmen as being nothing but animals. But even that is wrong because many of their animals were and still are being treated in a very loving and passionate way. Wow! Why and how was this possible? Give some real “Serious” thoughts to that question!

Then take a “Real” serious look into your mirror and ask yourselves “Am I like that?” “Ye shall and should know the ‘truth’ and then allow that ‘truth’ to set you free!” Truth crushed to the ground “always” rises again! Yes! Yes! Yes! Open your hearts to “Truth!”

What the world needs now is love, sweet love, for that’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. Reach out and touch somebody’s hand and help them to rise up realizing that they aren’t heavy, they are your sisters and your brothers. Time after time evil has been allowed to rein throughout the world and most have remained silent towards what they saw going on. Why has there been so much silence towards the evil and inhumanity which has been going on? Was it due to fear or was it due to hate? That is a question which needs to be given some real “Serious” thought. Where are we heading? This world is heading towards “Self-Destruction!” We see it unfolding before our very eyes. Wake-Up!

Throughout the years the majority of programs that were created to help the poor usually wound up helping minority members from more advantaged families. They were the ones that always profited disproportionately from such programs. The poor have “Always” been used to show the need for such programs but usually were never the beneficiaries of said programs. Wow! One should read “The Truly Disadvantaged” (The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy) by William Julius Wilson) for this book breaks this subject down in a very understandable way. This book states that since the mid-1960’s, the social conditions of poor urban blacks in the United States has deteriorated to the extent that the rates of joblessness, out-of-wedlock births, female -headed households, welfare dependency, and violent crimes are higher than ever before. In critically examining public-policy approaches to the ghetto underclass, Wilson argues that civil rights organizations should broaden their agendas by recognizing that poor minorities are affected by problems that go beyond racial considerations. He reveals the shortcomings of race-specific policies, including affirmative action, by arguing that minority members from more advantaged families profit disproportionately from such policies. Wilson also criticizes the War on Poverty vision for not relating the problems of minority poverty to the broader problems of economic organization and for its consequent failure to explain the sharp rise in inner-city social dislocations. Wow! Those that are concerned about the many problems still in existence throughout “Our” community should read this book for it most definitely will enlighten your mind as to what is most definitely lacking and to what is most definitely needed to begin to uplift our communities throughout this country as it pertains to “Us” Black Folks!

I should love you and you should love me for that’s the way God intended it to be, which would bring peace and love and harmony throughout our society. Where is the love? Where is it? How is it possible to be so hard to be found in a country that so largely professes to be a Christian country? Where is the love which we were commanded to give to one another? Where is it? Where is it being hidden? Why is it being hidden? Why can’t we see that man’s inhumanity towards their fellowman is not coming from a heart filled with love, but a heart filled with hate. Come on people, wake up before it’s too late. “Wake Up!” “Wake Up! Wake Up!”

Accolades: Mr. Harold Rayford, Maintenance Supervisor for the Newburgh Housing Authority for many years and also Director of “Newburgh Zion Lions” which has enabled many of our youth to be able to participate in basketball for many years. Harold, thanks so much for your commitment to our youth and also to the residents of the Newburgh Housing Authority.

Let me end this with: it was a very nice event which was held on this past Monday evening with the swearing in of our new police commissioner and new police chief. Hopefully, this will be a “good” new beginning for our city, but only time will tell.

This is “Lillie’s Point of View” and I’m just having my say, now you can have yours. PEACE!