Dear Editor,
Over the past two years our society and its institutions have continued to unravel at an alarming rate, including, most particularly, our once vaunted economic system. Critical products and whole industries have long been outsourced overseas. But today, our working class will not even work stateside jobs that are handed to them on a platter. Our youth fritter away their immense economic promise with non-stop video-gaming, pornography, and other addictions.
Our economic distribution systems handling foreign-made goods are gridlocked. Our once-brilliant breadbasket-of-the-world small farm system has been industrialized and subject to the pitfalls of monopoly. Our food and drug, retail and real estate, auto and housing, credit and stock markets are shot through with transparent advertising and reporting exaggerations, if not outright fictions.
Even our once vaunted military-industrial empire is leaking away, leaving the international community with little residual respect left for our way of life.
Our families are in shambles. Our news is full of light information, misinformation, and disinformation. Our churches are whited sepulchers. Our governments are self-promoting bureaucracies full of self-interested careerists. Our schools are factories of self-stimulation and mediocrity. Our political parties are training grounds for populist tyrants. Our workplaces are little empires of control, manipulation, and forced servitude.
Our laws lie dormant, if not defunct. Our law enforcement personnel demonstrate little respect for ethics or law themselves. Our courts deliver the slowest justice ever found on planet earth.
Our universities are plastic towers full of self-important knowledge-hoarders, who fail to transmit their learning in an effective way to the communities who support them.
Finally, need it also be said, our religious holidays are faithless knock-offs of sacred ancient events. Universities know it, but won’t say it.
And who asserts all of this? Ebenezer Scrooge does.
Kimball Shinkoskey