Newburgh Breaks Ground on Downing Pond Projects

NEWBURGH – Despite the bitterly cold weather, the City broke ground on the Downing Pond Stormsewer Separation and Pedestrian Improvements Project at Third Street in the East End Historic District on the morning of Thursday, January 27.

The $3.1 million project will involve the installation of a new separate stormsewer pipeline from Downing Park to Johnston Street along Third Street. This new stormsewer pipe will intercept stormwater that flows out of Downing Pond and prevent stormwater from flowing into the City’s sewer system where it currently causes combined sewer overflows in the Hudson River.

This sewer separation improvement project will reduce flooding in the City, improve capacity at the wastewater treatment plant and improve the water quality in the Hudson River. The project is slated for completion in late 2022.

Despite the bitterly cold weather, the City broke ground on the Downing Pond Stormsewer Separation and Pedestrian Improvements Project at Third Street in the East End Historic District on the morning of Thursday, January 27.
Despite the bitterly cold weather, the City broke ground on the Downing Pond Stormsewer Separation and Pedestrian Improvements Project at Third Street in the East End Historic District on the morning of Thursday, January 27.

The project will offer local residents and visitors reconstructed sidewalks along Third Street and new ADA compliant curb ramps and pedestrian safety bump outs utilizing materials that comply with the City’s historic district standards. Third Street will be completely repaved through the project corridor in the Fall of 2022.

This project is funded through the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. And is part of Phase II and III of the Long Term Control Plan for the City’s Combined Sewer Collection system.