POUGHKEEPSIE – On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Allen Corrado McKay, a 14 year old freshman at Beacon High School, earned his Eagle Scout rank, the highest rank in Boy Scouts.
Allen, a Town of Fishkill resident, began his scouting journey as a Wolf Cub Scout in Pack 3001 with Leon Lopez initially and then Anthony Maxaner as his Cub Masters. He journeyed through the Cub Scouts ranks earning his Arrow of Light, the highest honor in Cub Scouts, as well as two religious emblem awards.
After Cub Scouts, Allen crossed the bridge into Boy Scouts joining Troop 41 (Elks Lodge #1493 is the Chartering Organization) where he has earned 113 Merit Badges, attended several Boy Scout Camps, was awarded membership into the Order of the Arrow, and participated in several other activities, all under the guidance of Scout Master Larry Wood.
While in Boy Scouts, Allen has served in various leadership positions including Den Chief for a Den in Cub Scout Pack 3001, and as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Quartermaster for Boy Scout Troop 41.
For his Eagle Project, Allen, along with 30+ volunteers from his family, Troop, Troop’s family members, and baseball teams built two picnic tables and painted in Beacon school colors the field house, 6 dugouts, and a snack stand at the baseball facilities in Memorial Park in Beacon.
Allen desired to perform this service for a community in which he is an active part socially, academically, and athletically, and for an organization, Beacon Junior Baseball, in which he was a baseball player and where he developed his love for baseball. As a former Beacon Junior Baseball recreation program All Star and Beacon Maulers travel team baseball player, he wanted to give back to the program that always preached good sportsmanship and teamwork, and enabled him to succeed and advance to play for the Hudson Valley Renegades youth travel baseball program and then on to the Sticks Northeast Baseball travel program and Beacon High School.
His siblings, Victoria (Cadette in Girl Scouts and First Class Scout in Boy Scouts) and John (Webelos in Cub Scouts), look to follow in his footsteps. Maria and Allen R. McKay are his proud parents.