NEWBURGH – Special Events Coordinator, Regina Angelo and the Newburgh Memorial Day Parade Committee have announced that the City of Newburgh Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 30. For more information call Mary Keller at 845-565-2138, Ann Kuzmik at 845-837-9815, or Brian Denniston at 845-561-1131.
The City of Newburgh Memorial Day Parade Committee will also be honoring three Veterans who served their country, their community and the Memorial Day Parade for many, many years.
“They tackled any jobs they were asked to do for the Memorial Day Parade and other occasions. They were always by my side to help,” said Regina Angelo, Special Events Coordinator and former City of Newburgh Councilwoman and Deputy Mayor. “Although they are deceased, we will never forget them and want to give them accolades and deep appreciation.”
Eugene Lorenzo Siles Watkins deceased Nov 5, 2021;
Charles Arthur Leo, deceased March 25, 2021;
Richard W. Drago, deceased August 21, 2021.
Line-up for the parade will be at 9:15 a.m. and step-off will be at 10:00 a.m. sharp. To avoid confusion, please line up where you are directed and adhere to the Division Marshall’s Instructions. All participants are asked to remember that this solemn parade is to honor those who gave their lives for our country, and to proceed with dignity and respect.
There will be services held at Washington’s Headquarters immediately after the parade (approximately 11:30 a.m.) All are invited to attend to honor our deceased veterans.
This year’s Grand Marshal is Robert Lare. Parade Marshal and Committee Chairperson is Bruce Lubkeman.
The City of Newburgh’s Memorial Day events will include:
Saturday May 28, 2022
Members of the Parade Committee will be distributing staff flags in front of the Newburgh Activity Center, 401 Washington Street from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. noon for decorating the graves of deceased veterans.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Newburgh VFW members and friends will drive to local cemeteries and monuments for services with a color guard on Sunday morning. The motorcade will depart from the monument in front of the former American Legion Hall, 62 Grand Street at 8:30 a.m. for a circuit that takes about two hours.
Monday, May 30, 2022, Memorial Day
Memorial Day services will conclude at the Orange County Veterans Memorial at the intersection of Liberty Street and LeRoy Place at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, May 30, 2022. There, the names of all 820 Orange County men and women who died in service during the wars of the 20th century will be read aloud along with the names of those Orange County residents who died in service since 9/11/2001. The public is welcome and invited to participate by reading a page of names, perhaps including a family member. For more information, please contact David McTamaney at 845-562-8419.
The lineup is as follows:
City of Newburgh
Memorial Day Parade Lineup
Monday, May 30, 2022
Division I
Line Up on Third Street facing West move on to West to line up to Broadway
Parade Marshal Bruce Lubkeman
A Motorcycle Motorcade led by Keith Hallock and his group the Motorcycles from the Hudson Valley to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have given their lives in sacrifice to our country.
Parade Marshal: Bruce Lubkeman
1. 105th Airlift Wing, Air National Guard Honor Guard.
2. Bruce Lubkeman and member of Catholic War Veterans.
3. Grand Marshal: Robert Lare.
4. Car for Commander Eugene Lorenzo Silber Watkins deceased Nov. 5, 2021.
5. Car for Charles Arthur Leo World War II Vet Merchant Marines deceased Mar 25, 2021.
6. Car for Richard W. Drago State Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart deceased Aug 21, 2021.
7. Faye Allen-Miles with veterans.
8. Leon Carpenter from Safe Harbor with veterans.
9. Mayor and City Officials.
10. City, State and County Officials.
11. City of Newburgh Fire Department Color Guard.
12. City of Newburgh Fire Department marching.
13. City of Newburgh Fire Department Trucks.
Division II
Line up on Richman Avenue facing Third St.
Parade Marshal:
1. Purple Heart Float.
2. NFA Junior AFROTC.
3. NFA Band.
4. Hudson River Lodge #309.
5. Church of God Central Newburgh.
6. San Miguel Academy.
7. Papaleo’s.
8. Lighthouse Baptist Church Marchers.
Division III
Parade Marshal
Line up on Valley Avenue Facing Third Street
1. Masada Lodge #115.
2. Horizon on the Hudson Marchers.
3. Puma Soccer Club.
4. Ebenezer Baptist Church.
5. REACT Inc. (Rising Everyday Above Circumstances Together).
6. Mobile Life.
7. Newburgh Police Comm. Relations & Review Board.
8. Best Resource Center.
9. The Unity Center.