HYDE PARK – Rewarding community events took place involving dozens of elementary school students and over a hundred parents, teachers, and volunteers on Thursday, April 21 at Netherwood Elementary Schools and Thursday May 5 at North Park Elementary Schools. As part of Historic Hyde Park’s long-term clean energy vision, the School’s PTAs, the Hyde Park Police and Recreation Departments, the Hyde Park Rotary Club, local scouting troop 37, Ken Tooker of PVBicycle Shop, Vassar Bike Club, and the Dutchess County Traffic Safety Board came together to encourage safe bike riding in Hyde Park. The goal is to increase the safe use of human-powered bicycle transportation in the town, starting with the youngsters. The Town of Hyde Park is participating in a statewide New York Public Service Commission-sanctioned program Climate Smart Communities designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the community.
“This rodeo is easy to organize and do. All elementary schools should consider it,” said Krystal Hicks, President, Netherwood Elementary School PTA. “The complete kit arrives in a small trailer and takesabout half an hour to set up, given the experienced organizers involved.” She was referring to Bill Johnson, Dutchess County Traffic Safety Board Coordinator, who has done dozens upon dozens of the rodeo all over the county in 20+ years. “What’s better than having parents and kids (together) having fun, making memories, and learning something along the way?” asks Johnson.
Organizer Steve Jones, Town of Hyde Park Climate Smart Communities volunteer, and Kathy Meyerson, Hyde Park Rotary Club volunteer, agreed with repeated comments made by parents and teachers: this is a fun afterschool event; a free way for kids to get out and interact with one another and with their teachers outside of the classroom setting. They also gain confidence while showing off what they can do. And very importantly, the Hyde Park Police have their certified “Bike Cops” at event to discuss their specially equipped bikes and what they do around the town. Police Chief Robert Benson said “Bicycle safety is very important to learn at such a young age. This is a great opportunity for the members of our police department to work with the youth in our community and to help provide such valuable information at the same time. I am not sure who enjoyed this more the kids or our officers.”
In a separate area, volunteer Debbie St. Onge collaborated in the event by setting up a course for more qualified students to test and learn mountain bike riding skills.
PTA’s sponsor the event and supply insurance and volunteers. The Town Recreation Department transports the County bike safety trailer to schools. The County safety officer train volunteers in chalklinelayouts and event supervision. Participants registered at the event and are eligible for prizes. Registration and bike “safety checks” are done free of charge. Interested schools can contact Steve Jones at hydeparkbiking@gmail.com to learn how to organize a bike rodeo at their school.
“We are all grateful for those who have taken the time to organize and implement these events to teach our students the importance of bike safety, North Park Elementry Principal Megan D’Alessandro.