KINGSTON – Last Wednesday, Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan and the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth) announced an agreement to maintain 20 inpatient mental health beds, which will be located in the soon-to-open expanded HealthAlliance Hospital on Mary’s Avenue in Kingston, NY. The agreement, if approved by New York State, will be the latest action by WMCHealth to advance its comprehensive plan to enhance behavioral and mental health services available in Ulster and Dutchess Counties – while preserving local access for patients and their families.
In addition, WMCHealth will maintain all emergency access and outpatient mental health services in Kingston and expand inpatient behavioral health beds at WMCHealth’s MidHudson Regional Hospital in Poughkeepsie from 40 to 60, giving Ulster and Dutchess Counties a comprehensive array of services that includes a total of 80 inpatient beds available for mental health services.
The agreement for the inpatient mental health beds at the new HealthAlliance Hospital came after WMCHealth evaluated available services as well as feedback from the New York State Department of Health (DOH), County Executive Ryan, frontline healthcare workers, mental health professionals, elected officials, patients, families, and more. At the height of the pandemic, WMCHealth transitioned HealthAlliance Hospital inpatient mental health services temporarily to MidHudson Regional Hospital to bolster resources and capacity for COVID-19-related care, under an announced New York State plan.
“During the pandemic, we saw suicides in Ulster County double and fatal opioid overdoses up 93%; now more than ever, we must guarantee that all residents have ample access to vital local mental health and addiction recovery services and come together to ensure our community is receiving the support it desperately needs and deserves,” Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan said. “I am so proud that our community came together and advocated tirelessly to ensure these services are available; and appreciative that WMCHealth truly listened, worked collaboratively with us, and stepped up to make it happen.”
“This agreement is an investment in the Kingston community that will benefit the entire region and reflects our continued commitment to delivering the best behavioral health care,” said WMCHealth Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer Josh Ratner. “This announcement is a testament to the collaboration with County Executive Ryan who was instrumental in both meeting the behavioral health needs of Ulster County and helping WMCHealth execute on its larger strategy that will enhance and expand treatment in the entire region.”
“When the inpatient psychiatric beds were removed in the height of the pandemic, we made it clear how important these beds were to the community, and what the impact would be of losing them,” said Greg Speller, 1199SEIU Executive Vice President. “I want to thank County Executive Pat Ryan, WMCHealth, Senator Michelle Hinchey, Assemblymember Kevin Cahill and Kingston Common Council member Barbara Hill for not only listening, but also taking action on such a critical issue. This victory is an outstanding example of what happens when nurses and healthcare workers (1199 and NYSNA) join together with advocates and elected officials to do what’s right for the health and well-being of our communities.”
“We are proud that our voices were heard and that we were able to work together with our elected officials and community members to get these beds back. The fact that residents will be able to access these services in their own community is a huge win,” Ezra Maurer, a Representative of the New York State Nurses Association, said. “This agreement is definitely a step in the right direction, and we thank the County Executive and the leadership of WMCHealth for doing the right thing by maintaining these services.”