West Point Band Presents Labor Day Celebration

WEST POINT – The West Point Band will conclude the “Music Under the Stars” concert series with its annual Labor Day Celebration on Saturday, September 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Trophy Point Amphitheater. In the event of inclement weather, the concert will take place on Sunday, September 4. One of the band’s most popular events of the year, the performance concludes with cannon blasts and a spectacular fireworks show over the Hudson River. As always, this concert is free and open to all. For more information on accessing West Point, what to bring, where to park, and more: visit www.westpointband.com.

Summer may be coming to an end, so send it out with a bang — literally! — at one of the Hudson Valley’s favorite annual traditions. The West Point Band’s Labor Day Celebration pays tribute to our nation and the American people with a night of festive music.

Culminating in powerful music accompanied by live cannon fire and a fantastic fireworks display, this concert will feature everything from traditional band fare—including the martial airs of the band’s field music group, the Hellcats; to music from “Encanto” and “The Greatest Showman” featuring the concert band and Benny Havens Band. Bring your picnic and spend an evening taking in the beautiful views at Trophy Point and the music of the West Point Band.

Established in 1817, the West Point Band is the Army’s oldest musical organization and continues to provide world-class music to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets and to serve as ambassadors of the United States Military Academy and the Army to local, national, and international communities.

For concert information, cancellations and updates, call 845.938.2617 or visit www.westpointband.com.