Dedicated Chiropractor & beloved father, John H. Fischer, also known to the community as “Fish” or “Dr. Fisher” passed away Saturday, August 27th, 2022.
John was born July 28th, 1953 to Alice and Frederick Fischer. He attended and graduated from St. Pats High School, Newburgh Free Academy, Manhattan College, and New York Chiropractic School. John was most well known by the city of Newburgh for his dedication to improving the health and well being of the citizens of the City of Newburgh with his practice on 89 Broadway.
He spent the majority of his life, 35 years, as a treating Chiropractor, and health educator. His patients will remember him for his striking charisma and his natural ability to make those around him laugh.
He is survived by his four daughters, Noelle Fischer 40, Allyson Fischer 23, Julia Fischer 20, and Kristin Fischer 18; his stepchildren Joseph Condomitti, Alyssa Lawrenson & Jessica Mills; and his siblings Michael Fischer and Christina Murphy.
A Celebration of Life was held at Brooks Funeral Home on Thursday, September 1, 2022. A Funeral Mass was held at St. Francis Church in Newburgh on Friday, September 2, 2022.