ULSTER – Town of Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley announced Sunday his candidacy for the office of Ulster County Executive. Quigley is a financial expert and a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with more than 30 years experience managing finances and complex organizations. He’s known for his innovative approaches to solving municipal problems and encouraging town and county governments to work together to address the community’s challenges.
Quigley has secured the endorsement of the Republican and Conservative parties.
“I’m running for County Executive because I am uniquely qualified to solve the problems that confront county residents, and I understand the day-to-day responsibilities of running local government,” Quigley said.
“First and foremost, effective county government provides and sustains our county’s infrastructure, the core services we all count on. That means clean drinking water, roads and bridges, sewer and sanitation, broadband coverage and cellular service. It also also means the critical emergency services that protect our lives and our property—fire service, law enforcement, ambulance and EMS, and public health services.
“The people rely on knowledgable and responsive local government to improve and sustain that infrastructure, and to do so in a way that respects the taxpayer and the taxpayers’ dollars.
“For too long the office of County Executive has been viewed as a birthright and used as a stepping stone for higher office. With the support of Ulster County voters, those days will end under my watch. I’m asking voters to help me usher in an era where our next County Executive is qualified for the job, understands the day-to-day needs and challenges of the office, and has a proven track record of solving the complex problems of running local government.
“I am the only candidate in the race who can fulfill that promise and I believe the voters will come to the same conclusion,” Quigley said.