Another Amazon Warehouse Proposed in OC

WAYWAYANDA – A third Amazon distribution center/warehouse is being proposed in Orange County, this one in the Town of Wawayanda.

Officials of Scannell Properties #600, LLC and Amazon came before the Orange County Industrial Development Agency Board of Wednesday seeking financial incentives.

IDA Executive Director Bill Fioravanti said the plans call for an almost one million square foot facility.

“It’s a 925,000 square foot distribution center that is planned in the Town of Wawayanda across 100 acres, I believe is roughly the size of the property, and the applicant is only requesting sale taxes exemption and mortgage recording tax exemption for their project,” he said.

The company is not seeking a payment-in-lieu of taxes package.

Amazon currently operates a one-million-square-foot facility in the Town of Montgomery and a smaller one in New Windsor.

It is also building a 600,000 square foot center in East Fishkill.