MILLBROOK – The Dutchess County Division of Solid Waste will celebrate Earth Day with a free event on Saturday, April 29th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the County’s Home and Garden Center, located at 2715 Route 44 in Millbrook. This family-friendly event, open to residents of every age, will feature a wide range of interactive activities focused on sustainable living and environmental education.
Attendees will learn about ways to reduce their environmental impact. Participants can learn about composting, gardening, natural resources, watersheds, recycling and organics through interactive demonstrations and hands-on activities. The event will include composting demonstrations and gardening instruction, as well as activities such as small jewelry repair and lessons on how to create a birdhouse.
Deputy Commissioner for Solid Waste Kerry Russell said, “We hope to motivate residents to take action and make a positive impact on the environment. We want residents of all ages to leave feeling inspired and empowered to make a difference in their own lives and in the world around them.”
Nearly two dozen organizations are scheduled to participate in the Earth Day event, including the Division of Solid Waste; Dutchess County Cornell Cooperative Extension; New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; the Trevor Zoo; and Riverkeeper. A full list of event participants and planned activities is available on the Division of Solid Waste’s webpage.
This April 29th event is just the latest way Dutchess County is working to support a greener, more sustainable future. Having long supported environmental protection efforts, County government is committed to promoting sustainable living and reducing its environmental footprint. Dutchess County has earned bronze-level certification in the New York State-Certified Climate Smart Community program and is taking steps to increase use of renewable energy sources, both in County government facilities and the community at large.
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