BEACON – In order to raise awareness of Beacon’s historical building stock and to salute property owners who steward these important structures, the Beacon Historical Society now offers businesses and homeowners with buildings that are a century or older the opportunity to purchase a customized Beacon Historical Society Historic Property plaque. To launch the program, officials unveiled the first marker on June 14 at the c. 1709 Madam Brett Homestead on Van Nydeck Avenue, which is owned by the Melzingah Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
“As caretakers for the oldest building in Dutchess County, we were honored to purchase the inaugural marker in this new program,” said Nancy Osoba Giordano, Regent of Melzingah Chapter. “Since 1954, we have undertaken the responsibility to not only maintain the house but also share its important history here in our community. As an organization, we’re committed to historic preservation, and so we are particularly pleased that this new plaque illustrates the role we play as the oldest building in Beacon, as well.”
Every structure within the Beacon City School District is eligible to purchase one of the Historic Property Plaques, providing the building is 100 years or older. The oval plaques are 6×8 inches and come in aluminum ($250) or bronze ($350). The property owner is responsible for installing the plaque (with provided hardware). Delivery takes about eight weeks once the order is placed.
“Participants will need to submit a simple, easy-to-complete, one-page application form and provide information regarding the history of the building, including photos if available, with their check. We also hope this information will enable us to bolster our collection about the history of our residential, commercial and industrial buildings for the benefit of future researchers and owners,” said Denise Doring VanBuren, Society President. “We should all be so proud of the history that makes Beacon such a great place to be, and we’re hoping to show off some of that ‘pride of place’ through this program. ”
Email BeaconHistorical@gmail.com for more information and a copy of the application form.
The Beacon Historical Society was founded in 1976 to “preserve, procure and present whatever may relate to the natural and cultural history” of Beacon. Its collection includes books, records, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, genealogies, portraits, relics, letters, journals, etc., and its purpose remains to educate the public and foster an awareness of Beacon’s history. Membership includes a monthly newsletter, at least eight special lectures each year and other historic programming/lectures/events.