SUNY Ulster Fall Open House at Kingston Center Set

KINGSTON – The Continuing and Professional Education department of SUNY Ulster is holding an Open House on Monday, August 14 from 4-7 pm at the Kingston Center of SUNY Ulster, 94 Mary’s Ave. All info sessions are free and open to the public. It will highlight many of the career programs and courses offered this fall.

Advanced Manufacturing Info Session – SUNY Ulster has developed a series of Microcredentials for those pursuing an advanced manufacturing career. These Microcredentials can be taken by those new to manufacturing or by those looking to gain a credential in a specific area. They are designed to embrace the neurodivergent population and prepare them for credentials and employment in the Advanced Manufacturing sector.

Instructors will present how new technology is changing the skill set needed for those interested in an Advanced Manufacturing career. Join us for a question and answer period on how SUNY Ulster can help you achieve your career goals. Scholarships are available for this program, use the Online Application to apply.

Cut & Sew Info Session – Join us as we unveil our Cut and Sew Microcredential. This Microcredential consists of three courses; Commercial Sewing, Patternmaking, and Fit Analysis. These classes are perfect for those who want to become employed in one of the many Cut and Sew manufacturing companies located in the Hudson Valley as well as for those who want to start their own business. Full scholarships are available for this program, use the Online Application to apply.

Certified Clinical Medical Info Session – Interested in a short-term Healthcare credential? Join us for an information session on our Certified Clinical Medical Assistant program. During this session we will give an overview of the program and highlight the skills taught. Learn about some of the local employers hiring in this field. Full scholarships are available for this program, use the Online Application to apply.

CASAC Info Session – For those interested in becoming an addictions counselor or for professionals who wish to specialize in addiction counseling, this session will address the training, education, and competencies needed.

High School Equivalency Diploma (GED) – Come and meet our instructors and learn about our comprehensive GED review classes designed for students wanting to earn their High School Equivalency Diploma.

Water & Wastewater Info Session – Information about careers in water and wastewater will be discussed. Courses offered for different operator certifications will be explained as well as the new pre-apprenticeship/apprenticeship program. Careers in this field are found locally with DEC, DEP, and local municipalities.

Many scholarships and grants are available to enable those in the community to train for a manufacturing career at little to no cost. Courses include CNC Programmer, CNC Operator, Advanced CNC, Fundamental Concepts of Metrology, Certified Production Technician, and Electrical Theory. Barbara Ann Livermore Reer, Assistant Dean for Workforce will be on hand to discuss scholarships and answer questions.

Program Coordinators will be on hand to assist potential students with questions on programs and registration for fall courses.

For more information, call the CE office at 845-339-2025. To register for one or more of these info sessions, visit