MOUNT VERNON – As high school students gear up for their first full day of school last week, students were at their schools meeting their teachers, school administration and spending time with their friends. Denzel Washington School of the Arts hosted a back-to-school kickoff ceremony on Friday, September 8, 2023. Mount Vernon STEAM Academy held 11th and 12th grade orientation, and Mount Vernon High School held orientation for all grades.
At DWSA, students hugged their friends, showcased their musical talents and celebrated the start of a new school year. Drummers and brass instrument players performed for a large crowd of teachers and students. Community organizations such as the Mount Vernon Police Department Wellness Division, the Mount Vernon Youth Bureau and Westhab, Inc., a job assistance program for youth up to 24, shared how they can help and encouraged students to utilize their services.
“I am extremely optimistic about the upcoming year,” said Andrea Thomas, new principal at DWSA. “This event was meant to give our kids the excitement to approach the academics and the arts and help them to meet their friends, get to know each other, get to know the new teachers and really just set the tone for the new school year.”
At the STEAM Academy’s orientation, students met their new principal and learned about the expectations for the school year. Dr. Christopher Pearce, principal at STEAM, addressed students and explained his high hopes for the year. He introduced administrators and teachers, who echoed his plans for a successful school year.
“My goal here at STEAM is to inspire students to have bright and purposeful futures,” said Dr. Pearce in his address to seniors. “All of us want to inspire you to stay on track to graduate.”
Mount Vernon High School students listened to presentations from their guidance counselors at their orientation. Their counselors explained the work they would need to do this year to get into their colleges of choice and succeed in their next step. They urged students to work hard and not let their grades fall because everything counts when it comes to getting into college and receiving scholarships.
“If you know where you’re going, you need to know what you need to do,” said Takisha Sales, school counselor at MVHS. “So it’s not too early for you to start researching colleges. I need you guys to start forward thinking.”