By Jennifer L. Warren
NEWBURGH – “Liberty and justice for all is done and only possible because of you and each of your families.”
These words were emphatically delivered by Senator, Pat Ryan at Wednesday’s City of Newburgh Police Department’s Annual Police Awards Ceremony. Inside The Great Room at the City’s SUNY Orange site, overlooking the majestic Hudson River, a large contingent of the police force, surrounded by their supportive families, attentively absorbed Ryan’s deeply appreciative remarks, ones filled with the daily sacrifices and courage required to perform the duties of those being recognized.
Following an Introduction of Officers, aided by a moving bagpipes and drums background, recent recruit led Pledge of Allegiance, powerful God Bless America rendition by Officer Josiah Borden, Invocation led by Chaplain, Jose Vasquez, and heartfelt remarks of gratitude from new Police Chief, Brandon Rola, Chief of Staff, Mike Neppl spoke to guests about the ongoing potency of the special occasion.
“This is a very difficult City to police in; it’s not an easy job, Neppl, who grew up in the City of Newburgh and alluded to his own teenage rebelliousness- antics relayed to the audience. “Today is about what it truly takes to make this City a better place.”
Many of those specific qualities and scenarios were unraveled as a lengthy, impressive list of awards, citations and other accolades were proudly provided to members of the City of Newburgh Police Department for their valiant, quick-thinking and oftentimes life-saving efforts in the face of extreme danger. Whether it was empathetically talking a man out of taking his life and getting him the critical help he needed, chasing down a dangerous perpetrator, locating and getting guns and drugs off of the streets and, or instinctively noticing someone’s actions were awry, each person honored helped ensure the people in the City of Newburgh’s lives were safely protected.
Two people were saluted for their twenty years of service, three earned Distinguished Service Awards, a host were heralded with Unit Citations, Excellent Police Duty, Meritorious Duty and eight esteemed Bronze Stars-symbolizing an act involving personal danger amidst adverse conditions-were allotted. Together, the accolades reveal the deep commitment, competence, professionalism and strength of the City of Newburgh Police Department exemplifies. The Department’s vast accomplishments and devotion to protecting Newburgh are distinctions City Mayor, Torrance Harvey does not take lightly.
“We understand the sacrifices you and your families make each day to keep our City safe, and I want to recognize each of your honors,” said Harvey. “Policing is not just about arrests, but building communities, and we are proud of the work our police department does to build those relationships; we appreciate you.”
The ceremony concluded with a Benediction by Chaplain, George Barden, who reinforced the appreciation the City had for each and every member of the City of Newburgh Police Department as well as the families.
“Let us not forget, the greatest reward of their jobs is being able to return home safe,” said Chaplain Barden. “We thank you for the leadership of this department and City, and we pray these brave people can be surrounded by peace as they continue to serve and protect.”