Poughkeepsie Welcomes Class of 2024 Graduates

By RJ Smith

POUGHKEEPSIE – Poughkeepsie High School hosted its annual graduation ceremony last Wednesday evening. The ceremony welcomed two-hundred graduates and their family members inside of the high school auditorium.

The song “Pomp and Circumstance” served as the ceremony’s opening number, which was performed by the Poughkeepsie High School Combined Orchestra and Band. Following this performance, the American flag was presented by the Poughkeepsie High School AFJROTC. Cadets Javon Aiken-Young, Amilia Clark, Angel Martinez, and Salome Vergara proudly marched and presented the colors.

Class of 2024 Poughkeepsie High School Valedictorian Olivia Groucher prepares to give her valedictory address to the crowd.
Class of 2024 Poughkeepsie High School Valedictorian Olivia Groucher prepares to give her valedictory address to the crowd.

The ceremony featured a performance of the National Anthem sung by Genesis Hill. A subsequent performance of the song “Lift Every Voice” was given by Delsie Acevado, followed by a musical selection that was kept a surprise.

Principal Dr. Phee Simpson provided the welcoming address to the crowd. “Your course of study was so much more than your choice of classes,” said Dr. Simpson. “Through your coursework, you made deep and meaningful connections. The lessons you learned and developed are critical components for every plan you may have in your life.”

Dr. Simpson continued her welcome address by expressing her belief that the graduating students will continue to utilize the knowledge provided through the four-year curriculum of Poughkeepsie High School. “Everywhere and everyday, you rely on the skills that exist after each of these four class years at PHS. Knowing you are skilled in these areas will allow you to better understand how to take on challenges that this life will present to you. There’s anxiety, frustration, worries, and fear. Nobody enjoys those parts of this experience. But there is something about this struggle that is constructive and inspiring. You are ready to take on the challenges that this world will bring and you are ready to enjoy a rich, rewarding, and successful life.”

Class of 2024 Poughkeepsie High School Salutatorian Abass Na-aata gives his salutary address to the crowd.
Class of 2024 Poughkeepsie High School Salutatorian Abass Na-aata gives his salutary address to the crowd.

City of Poughkeepsie School District Board Member Peter Sealy came to the podium following the conclusion of Dr. Simpson’s welcoming address. Sealy serves as the Board of Education’s student liaison.

“Welcome to a change,” Sealy said. “There is a change for many of our graduates. Welcome to the change of 2024 in Poughkeepsie High School. As students, we’ve gone through many struggles, such as COVID and now graduation. We are Pioneers. We got all of us here standing, graduating from the Poughkeepsie High School. Don’t worry about a problem, be the solution.”

Board of Education President Thomas O’Neill was given the opportunity to provide his own remarks to the gathered crowd.

“Like so many of our forefathers, we have climbed many mountains,” said O’Neill. “As graduates, you will have the opportunity to use these tools to become instruments of change in our city and any community in which you reside in. Use these tools wisely. Use them often. Put them to good use. Poverty does not determine your worth or limit your potential. It can only do so if you allow it to do so. You’ve been given the key to make change.”

The Superintendent of the City of Poughkeepsie School District Dr. Eric Jay Rosser offered an additional address. “It is with great pride that I address and congratulate this year’s graduating class of 2024,” said Dr. Rosser.

“Today we are here to celebrate each of you and a very important milestone in your lives: High school graduation. Tomorrow marks a new chapter filled with new adventures and experiences and opportunities for you to make your mark on this world. I wish each of you all the lifelong success you deserve.”

Dr. Rosser provided additional words of encouragement to the graduates through emphasizing the importance of persistence and other virtues in their upcoming adulthood.

“I wish you persistence and grit in every endeavor that you embark in your individual paths into adulthood,” said Dr. Rosser. “I wish you strength to never give up because the world is filled with opportunities. I wish you many opportunities to continue to learn and use your knowledge to help others and the gratitude of self-appreciation that comes with using your talent.”

The salutatory address was given by graduate Abass Na-aata.

“There will be bumps down the road,” said Na-aata. “I will remember the foundation that you have given. Never lose sight of who you are.”

Following Na-aata’s address, the valedictory address was provided by three-year graduate Olivia Groucher.

“Today is a day of celebration,” said Groucher. “We are here not just to mark the end of our high school year, but the next chapter in our lives. To prepare for this day, I’ve read through many speeches online. Regardless of what you choose to do from tomorrow on, I challenge all of you to find an unanswered question in your chosen career.”

Each of the graduates names were called as they proudly walked across the stage, where they each received their high school diplomas.

Following their descent of the staircase, the Class of 2024 officially closed this chapter of their lives and were prepared to start anew.