Dear Editor,
Sixty percent of personal bankruptcies are due to medical costs for people who are insured! Tom from Portland, OR was in the hospital for 10 weeks after a motorcycle accident. He had 21 liens on his house, before he was released from the hospital, totaling $531,000. It is time to stop this scenario and others like it. Support Single Payer Health Care aka Improved Medicare for All. Take the profit out of health care, out of the hands of the insurance companies and put decision making for your health into the hands of your doctor. Currently, 30% of health care cost goes to the insurance companies while medicare overhead is 3%. If you want to cut health care costs, let’s start with insurance company profits. Call your representative for support of Single Payer Health Care (HR 676). Call Hinchey at 1-845-331-4466, Gillibrand at 1-202-224-4451, Schumer at 1-202-224-6542.
Larry Andreassen