Dear Editor:
There is no simple solution when it comes to municipalities and government agencies improving fuel economy and reducing emissions of their transit and fleet vehicles. This is especially true today when there are limited resources available to address a multitude of complex issues.
Before municipalities spend hundreds of millions of dollars on hybrid vehicles, they should consider retrofitting their current vehicles with state-of-the art hydraulic braking and propulsion systems. These cost-efficient systems capture wasted brake energy and convert it to an auxiliary source of energy to power the vehicle. The realized reduction in fuel consumption and added years of useful life are economic advantages, while the reduction in harmful emissions from a renewable source of energy is a \”green\” benefit as well.
It is important to note that retrofitting vehicles could create jobs immediately, as municipalities and government agencies could begin the evaluation and conversion process right away. Purchasing new hybrid vehicles, while a costly endeavor, does not bring jobs to the area.
The bottom line is that it makes economic and environmental sense for municipalities and government agencies to investigate the benefits of retrofitting before spending millions of dollars. Conducting a thorough vehicle asset analysis and having a comprehensive, executable plan in place are the best ways to conserve energy and maximize return on investment.
Sam Jones
Recaptured Energy Technologies