New York City – The National Urban League has called on Talk Radio Network to drop the Dr. Laura show from syndication, and urged host Dr. Laura Schlessinger to educate herself about racism.
\”The problem is not simply that Dr. Schlessinger used the ‘n-word’ repeatedly, though that is offensive enough,\” NUL President and CEO Marc H. Morial said. \”Her comments to the caller showed a breathtaking insensitivity and ignorance.\”
In responding to a caller who complained that her husband’s friends make racially demeaning comments, Schlessinger scoffed, \”some people are hypersensitive.\” She noted that \”black guys\” use the n-word \”all the time,\” and repeated the word several times for emphasis. But Morial noted that her most revealing comment was, \”I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing, but when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing.\”
\”We should be long past the point in this country where anyone should be advised to laugh off or ignore racist comments,\” Morial said. \”I hope the Talk Radio Network agrees that we’ve had enough of negative racial attitudes and drops Dr. Laura.\”