Dear Editor,
Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun has announced her intentions to run for reelection in the new 99th Assembly District in order to continue to double dip into our pockets.
Now Blooming Grove Town Supervisor Frank Fornario has announced his intentions to primary Ms. Calhoun. Is Frank Fornario running to represent us or to settle a score with Ms. Calhoun? Are the voters of the 99th Assembly District in the middle of a Republican family feud? Has Supervisor Fornario accomplished what he promised the voters in the Town of Blooming Grove that now he wants to move up in the political world?
Between Calhoun and Fornario, they have been career politicians for more than 40 years by being councilperson, supervisor, county legislator and assemblyperson. We are paying for their salaries, health and retirement benefits that they have gained from these elected positions. Isn’t it time for them to retire already and give a new leader an opportunity to represent us?
We deserve a representative that will be a public servant, work together with local elected officials, bring new ideas, energy to the job and actually accomplish something to benefit the residents of the 99th Assembly District. We need a representative that will pay into his/her health and retirement benefits like we all do. We don’t need a career politician from the 99th Assembly District to add to the dysfunction in Albany.
Sonia Ayala
Town of Blooming Grove